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Here's your March 22 update.

Frank tapped his pen nervously against his desk. History class had started about six minutes ago, and the seat behind him was empty. That seat being Gerard's of course. And he was never absent. Or tardy. The only time he was absent, he was crying his heart out to Mikey, though frank didn't know that. And he never would.

The door clicked open and Gerard walked in, his eyeliner messier than usual, his jacket hanging loosely off his shoulders, and his eye bags showing. He looked more dead than usual when he was at school. He sat down quietly behind frank. The younger turned around immediately to ask what was wrong but he noticed that makeup was clearly caked onto his neck, and it wasn't blended very well.

"Gerard, Jesus what the fuck happened to you?" Frank asked. The older smirked with half lidded eyes. Frank would say he looked high. He even contemplated asking him if he was, but there was no way in hell he'd bring up the subject of drugs around Gerard again. Besides, he looked more exhausted than high.

"Just a few nightmares is all." Gerard whispered. But that was the understatement of the century. He's had bad nights with his dreams. Some that kept him up all night. But last night, he completely had his ass handed to him. It was nightmare after nightmare and he was exhausted. Who would've thought a simple bad thought could do that to a person?

   "What nightmares?" Frank asked. Gerard wanted to tell him. But now wasn't the time or place. He gave frank a weak smile.

"I'll tell you later. In the greenhouse." He said. Frank nodded and turned to face the front. He felt Gerard's head gently fall against his upper back. He felt sorry for him, he needed sleep. He shouldn't have been in class, he should've been in bed.

The walk to lunch was an aggravating one. There was a guy staring over at them the whole time they were walking. Either from Gerard's rumors or homophobia, considering they were holding hands.

"Hey freak, your brother give you that hickey you're trying to cover up?" A voice behind them teased. Frank stopped dead in his tracks from anger but Gerard pulled his arm.

"It's not worth it." He mumbled. He turned around and shot daggers at the guy who said it, and when frank looked back, he had disappeared, out of fear no doubt.

The makeup was kind of frank's fault. Gerard wore makeup anyways to hide the rather long scar on his neck, but frank was infatuated with them, that one in particular. It's like it was begging frank to kiss it and nip at it and suck on it. So he did. Which means Gerard had to hide it even more.

They sat down at the table and Gerard sat his notebook down, opening it to an empty page. He looked around and groaned, letting his head fall onto the notebook.

   "What's wrong?" Frank giggled.

  "I forgot my pen."

  Frank snickered and slid the pen across the table. Gerard smirked at it.

  "Frank, that was in my back pocket." Frank shrugged.

  "Gave me an excuse to touch your ass."

"Like your dick hasn't been pressed against it anyways." Gerard mumbled. Frank blushed hard as Gerard took the pen, touching it lightly to the paper.

Frank watched as he scribbled a body onto the page, lying oddly. Their arms were reaching out for something that Gerard hadn't drawn yet. Their legs were pulled up into a fetal position, and he scribbled all around the body, until it was mostly black. Frank watched Gerard's facial expression, his heart hurting as he saw the pain on his face as he drew. The want. The emotion.

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