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So. Yeah. Here we go. :/

~Sorry for errors~

"Gerard?" Frank whispered quickly, his eyes stinging. He anticipated what would come out of his mouth. Would he remember frank? Would he start seizing? Would he die? Would Frank become this dark brooding young man such as Gerard pretended to be?

   Gerard opened them halfway, and the look of confusion melted away as he smiled sideways at Frank sleepily, still high off the pain medications that were coursing through his veins. He giggled and waved at Frank with his uninjured arm.

  "Fffffrankieee." He slurred with a grin. Frank laughed a little, still staring at him in awe. He looked at the clock.

2:36 A.M.

   "Mikey, he's awake!" Frank whispered. Mikey didn't budge.

   "Miiiikeyyyyy!" Gerard cooed and giggled again. Frank took his shoe off and threw it at the sleeping lump from across the room. Mikey groaned and sat up.

   "What the fuck do you want?" He asked groggily.

   "My brother!" Gerard said happily. He sat up a bit, groaning. Mikey perked up instantly and jumped up, fast walking across the room.

  "Gerard! You're okay, oh my god. I love you so much. Jesus... you're okay." Mikey steadied himself. His eyes stung and he looked back up at his brother.

  "Hmmm I'm more than okay. Frankie, get in bed with me?" Gerard mumbled. He threw the blanket off of him with a smirk.

  "No gerard." Frank giggled quietly to himself as he teared up. He was alive. That just couldn't set in for some reason. It was like he had to keep reminding himself of that. He reached for the blankets, laying them back over him.

  "I want youuu." He whined, reaching for Frank with his right arm. "Pleaseee." He whimpered, giving off the saddest puppy dog face in existence. His eyes even watered up a bit as his face dropped.

  "You're too hurt." Frank said. Gerard cocked his head, confused.

  "No, I feel fine."

  "No, you're injured." Frank stated. Gerard shook his head, his eyes half lidded.

  "Nah. Everything's golden. Woah where'd this cast come from! Look at it Frankie!" He lifted his arm a bit. Frank smiled softly and gently pushed it back down. Gerard sighed and lolled his head to the side. "Are my flowers okay?" He asked, slurring his words. Frank smiled and refrained from tearing up even more. Even high, he still cared deeply about his precious flowers.

  "Yes baby, your flowers are fine." Frank smiled and rubbed Gerard's leg comfortingly. "And so is mine." He stated to himself.

   Gerard looked at Mikey who was still catching his breath. He held his forehead in his palm as he took deep breaths. Gerard huffed and turned his head to Frank.

  "What's wrong with the twink?" He asked. Frank snorted and laughed, rather loudly at that, and calmed himself down before it got too far. Mikey stared at him from the other side of the bed.

   "The twink is just happy you're okay." Frank smiled, trying not to laugh. Gerard nodded, yawing.

  "Frankie, I'm tired."

  "Go back to sleep, flower. I'll be here when you wake up, okay?" Frank asked. Gerard pouted again.

  "Please lay with me." He whimpered as his eyes started to tear up. Frank knew it was just the medication making him act this way, but even so, it broke his heart. It broke his heart because that was exactly how he had felt about two days ago when he begged Gerard to just show him some affection. He wasn't upset about it anymore, but it just hurt him to know that Gerard was feeling the same as he did. So to help him feel better, Frank leaned down and lightly kissed a small space on his right cheek where there were no cuts. Gerard sighed happily as Frank pulled away.

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