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   I am so sorry this took longer than usual. I've been having state exams and they're kicking my ass. Plus some stuff happened and yeah I had to get my head straight. Anyways, so sorry again. All the questions asking me if I'm gonna update made me feel better knowing you all care that much about it. I hope I didn't lose any of you guys ❤️ you're all great and I love you.

~ Sorry for any errors ~


It had been four days. Four days was all it took for Gerard's libido to raise by a hundred fucking notches. Almost every time frank turned around, Gerard had his hand against his crotch. And frank didn't complain. Quite frankly, his libido had raised quite a bit as well, but Gerard's was just so high that it was comical. Even though they only had sex once since that night, they were both still extremely horny. To be fair, Gerard topped the second time, which only made him want frank more.

    Just like now, frank was being pressed against the wall in the bathroom, inside of the handicap stall. Gerard locked the stall door and turned to frank, kissing over his neck where there had been a hickey from the day before. Frank's breathing sped as Gerard's hands slowly ran down his body.


   "Gerard.." frank breathed. "Check the other stalls."

  "I did." He mumbled, pressing his body harder against Frank's. He ran his tongue up to his ear and gently pulled on his earlobe.

"Down." Gerard whispered, pushing Frank's shoulders downward. Frank all but fell at Gerard's feet, looking up at him and watching as he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. It was probably- no, was very unsanitary but they were both horny, they didn't really care about how dirty the floor was.

    Gerard pulled his pants down and left it to Frank do the rest. He kissed Gerard's thighs slowly, keeping eye contact when he would pull away. Gerard groaned and palmed himself through his underwear.

    "Frank fucking hurry we're gonna miss second period." Frank smirked and nodded. They were actually skipping the end of first period just to be here. They didn't mean to, they just meant to do some playful texting and well, it got a little too playful.

   Frank pulled down Gerard's underwear, running his hand up his thigh before wrapping it around his already leaking cock. Gerard groaned and wrapped his fingers in frank's hair, placing the other hand on the wall to steady himself. Frank licked the tip, enjoying how Gerard shuddered above him. He glanced at his watch and turned back to Gerard. It would have to be quick. He took Gerard into his mouth, running his tongue over his length. The older shoved his oversized jacket sleeve into his mouth to muffle his moans. Frank sucked harder, looking up at Gerard briefly. He tugged frank's hair by accident, though frank didn't mind. He moaned actually, given his slight hair pulling kink.

Just then, the door to the bathroom opened. Frank pulled off of Gerard, panicking, and Gerard pulled frank to stand.

"Sit down." He mouthed to frank. He complied and sat down onto the toilet seat, crossing his legs. Gerard pulled his underwear and jeans up but frank stopped him before he could pull them all the way up.

   "What are you doing?" Gerard mouthed to frank. Frank only smirked and quickly pulled Gerard closer. Before he could do anything, frank's hand had wrapped around Gerard's length again and started pumping. Gerard stared wide eyed at frank, but soon closed his eyes and bit his lip as he tried to suppress the noises that threatened to spill from his mouth. Frank was still turned on, and throbbing in his jeans. He unzipped them stealthily and pulled himself out, pulling off Gerard as he pumped himself. He bit his lip harshly and took Gerard back in as he kept his other hand on himself. Gerard's face was red from forcing the noises down. He ran his fingers through frank's hair lightly.

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