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   "Why did you do that to me, frank?" Gerard asked sadly, gently cupping frank's cheek as he was still strapped to the metal table by basically every part of his body, besides his dick of course.

   "Do what?" Frank asked, nervously.

   "You woke up. I thought you wanted me to torture you. I wanted to make you feel good. You left me. Why'd you leave me? Were you too scared? Too afraid of the pleasure I could give you? Can't handle the fear?"

    "Fear doesn't bother me."

    "Oh yes, that's right. Because fear turns you on, doesn't it, freak?"

    "You're a freak too gerard."

   Gerard laughed darkly, and full of lust. Frank watched as his wet lips turned upward before turning into a smirk. He leaned down to frank's ears and whispered.

     "I know. That's why this'll feel so good, baby." Gerard bit his lip and eyed frank seductively. "Unless you don't want this. Then I can always unstrap you, and send you on your way."



"No, I... I want this. Please."

   "Exactly. Because you're a dirty fucking whore who's needy for attention. You want to be touched, you want to be scared. You want to be oblivious as to what I'll do to you. Because you want it don't you? You want me frank, but you won't admit it."

   "I want you." Frank moaned, trying to move but the restraints were too tight.

   "You what? I didn't hear you?" Gerard asked, walking around the table in circles, trailing his fingers up and down frank's body as he went.

    "Please Gerard." Frank whimpered. "Want you."

    "What do you want me to do to you?" He asked, bending down to frank's level. "Exactly what do you want me to do?"

    "Fuck me."

    "Gotta be more specific Frankie."

    "I... I'm..."

    "Too shy?" Gerard asked, obviously amused by all of this.


    "Just say it."

    "I want you to blind fold me." Frank squeaked out, biting his lip. Gerard smirked and laughed.

"Of course you do." Gerard walked away from the light for a moment before returning to frank. He lifted a cloth over frank's eyes and tucked it into the metal restraints that kept his head against the cold table.

"If you want me to stop, say red light."

"Okay." Frank breathed out. The next thing he felt was Gerard's cold fingers slowly going underneath frank's shirt, trailing up and back down. He massaged frank's sides.

"That feels good." Frank mumbled. Gerard smirked again and slid his fingers to frank's underwear, considering he wasn't in jeans. Gerard leaned down to kiss frank's neck.

"Im going to make you so sensitive. So overstimulated. And you know what? You'll have tears running down your face when I'm done with you. You'll be begging, no, crying for me to just let you cum. But I won't. I'll make you wait even longer. The more you beg and plead, the more you wait, do you fucking understand me, slut?" Gerard spat. Frank nodded quickly.

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