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   "Hey Gee." Mikey said as Gerard walked into the house. He had just come back from taking frank home. The ride had been a rather quite one, frank holding onto Gerard's hand while they silently drove. Frank didn't want Gerard to drive, he wanted his mother to come pick him up. Gerard had been really upset earlier, but he insisted because he 'wanted to be with frank as long as possible'. He found that the younger boy calmed him down quite a bit, and he knew that was a hard task. Only another reason to like him.

   "Hey. Did max bring you home?"

   "Yeah. We got ice cream first though." Mikey mumbled, a small blush appearing on his face.

   "Mikey," Gerard paused, a smile dancing on his lips. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"

   "No." He said, avoiding Gerard's gaze, his blush deepening.


   "There's not okay! Jesus, and I want to talk to you about something."

   "Are you and Max a thing?" Gerard asked, his lips turning upwards into a smile. Mikey gave him a death glare from across the room.

   "Are you and frank a thing?" He challenged. Gerard only shot back.

  "We're fucking." Not true, but he liked to win these kind of battles, especially with his brother. Mikey smirked and spoke up.

   "So are we." Gerard choked. His eyes grew wide and he walked over to Mikey, standing over his sitting figure.

   "What?! You're what?! You're my baby brother, you're fifteen-"

   "I'm kidding, fuck, Gerard." Mikey rolled his eyes, holding a pillow in front of him to block any hands that might come his way.

    "Oh... okay.. so was I." Gerard mumbled as he joined Mikey on the couch.

    "Sure." His brother mumbled out. Gerard rolled his eyes as the door opened to a women wearing blue scrubs. She had long brown hair which was pulled back into a pony tail, natural makeup, and tan skin. She was a very beautiful woman, and still remotely young, and it showed.

    "Hi boys."

    "Hi Marie." They said in unison. Marie was their aunt who worked at the hospital. She had taken in Gerard and Mikey when their parents had died, and thank god because they literally had no other family besides their aunt. They still couldn't thank her enough because she had put all of her social life on hold for these boys, but she didn't care because they were family, and they needed her.

     She walked into the house, sighing as she tossed the keys onto the sofa. She removed her jacket and threw it over the couch as well.

"So, what's new, how are we today?" She asked, walking to the kitchen to grab a bag of chips and a soda before coming back and sitting across from Mikey in the loveseat.

"I'm pretty sure Gerard canoodled with frank. So that's pretty new." Mikey mumbled, reaching over to Marie's bag of chips and digging out a handful.

"Oh! Gerard!" She smiled. Gerard just wanted to shrivel up into a ball and roll away. He got embarrassed so easily, and always has. It's one of his bigger weaknesses.

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