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Okay so to clear things up: some of you must've thought Gerard magically grew 5 inches of hair and became revenge era? Lol anyways, no it's teenagers Gerard since he went from white to black and it's still short. The picture above is him now. (:

Also for future knowledge: if it says I updated and you can't access it, I most likely took it down. You're phone didn't glitch.

~ Sorry for any errors ~

"Pst. Gerard." Frank whispered. Gerard ignored him, turning his nose deeper into his journal.

"Gerard?" Frank asked, waving his arm.

"Frank if you don't do your work I'm writing you up." The teacher spoke. Frank groaned and faced his desk again as Gerard smirked down at his. The black hair definitely got his attention, which is just what he wanted. He wanted frank to beg for him back. He wanted to see the little bitch on his knees, begging for forgiveness. And he wouldn't receive any either.

   At least he hoped he wouldn't. Gerard liked to think he had a strong will power, but he didn't. In fact, Frank was still trying to get his attention and Gerard was very tempted to turn to him, but he stayed strong. Until a paper ball hit him in the head.

He looked at the ground and picked up the paper.

Please talk to me

Gerard smiled and looked to Frank. Franks eyes lit up but soon dimmed once Gerard crumpled up the paper and threw it back, shooting frank the middle finger.

"I'm so sorry." Frank mouthed to him. Gerard laughed and turned back to his journal. Frank wouldn't stop staring out of the corner of his eye. Gerard gripped his pencil tighter, his anger growing worse. He was getting ready to yell but thankfully, the bell rang. He took a deep breath and stood up quickly, walking to the bathroom to compose himself. And of course, frank followed.

  Frank walked into the bathroom. They stopped and stared at each other, watching each other's every move.

   "Your hair is beautiful." Frank whispered in awe. He couldn't help but stare at Gerard's face. It was framed so perfectly with his short black hair and his perfectly applied, excessive black eyeshadow. He looked menacing and terrifying but frank loved it. Gerard tried to go around him but frank stopped him.

   "Gerard please-"

"Move, frank." He mumbled.

   "I miss you so much-"

  "Get out of my fucking way."

  "I miss calling you flower and holding you hand and kis-" Gerard grabbed frank's waist and pushed him up against the wall harshly. Frank let out a gasp from the air being knocked out of him. Gerard pulled something shiny from his jacket and did something with his fingers. Frank flinched when a blade shot out. His breathing sped and his eyes widened.

  "You brought a knife to school?! Gerard you could get suspended! Or arrested!" He whispered. "What the fuck?!"

  "I told you not to fucking come near me, and to not talk to me." He growled quietly, pointed the knife at frank with one hand while holding frank's shirt with his other fist. He didn't want to bring the knife to school. He knew it could get him into serious trouble. He wasn't really going to hurt frank. But it was a special knife. His dad had given it to him when he lost his bike at a young age. He couldn't keep it of course, he was only eight. But he had got it back when Bert died. And he kept it close through his parents' death. And now, here he was, carrying it around. It seemed to be that he only had the knife when he lost something. Or someone.

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