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Obviously Gerard has scars, but that's basically him and Frank now.

~Sorry for errors~

19 years later

   "Sunshine?" Gerard yelled out as he watered the indoor plants. He had planted daisies in the window sill. He felt the kitchen needed a bit of a flowery touch. Or any touch of something light, considering they had both agreed that Frank got to pick the paint color for the walls. And of course, he chose blood red.

   Gerard felt a weight jump onto his back and he huffed, grabbing frank's thighs before he fell back. "Yes flower?" He said as he pop kissed his cheek.

   "Frank were getting old, I don't know if I can keep doing that." Gerard laughed.

   "Are you saying I'm heavy?"

  "I'm saying you're younger than me and more energetic."

  "I'm thirty five and you're thirty six. It's not like you're forty. Yet." Gerard ignored Frank's comment.

   "Do these look dehydrated to you? There's a little brown spot and I'm sure I'm watering it enough, it's just the little guys are having a rough time." Gerard said. He stared at it as he considered his lack of watering. Frank clung onto him tighter, setting his chin on Gerard's shoulder. He took in the scent of his brown and blonde hair.

    "I'm sure you're doing everything you can. Flowers just can't live forever." Gerard nodded and leaned back into frank, enjoying his touch.

   "I guess you're right."

   "We can always try miracle grow." Frank said. He giggled at Gerard's scolding face. He knew Gerard hated miracle grow. He always complained how 'it wasn't found in nature, so it won't be found in his plants'. It was rather adorable.

"Okay, I can't hold you up much longer." Gerard breathed. He sighed as Frank jumped down and turned him round so he could hug him.

   "Where's Rose?" Gerard asked.

   "She's in the gardens." Frank mumbled, kissing Gerard's neck softly. Gerard popped his eyes open.

   "She better not be plucking my flowers again."

"I'm sure you've seared the rules into her brain. You sure have mine. No plucking the flowers, no miracle grow, no over watering, no under watering, no horse play, no sharp tools that could cut the stems, no-"

"Okay okay, I might have been strict. But I love my flowers. And I love Rose, and half of those rules are to keep her safe too." Gerard smiled. Frank pulled away and held Gerard's hand.

"I know you do."

"Will you go get her? It's her bedtime." Gerard said. Frank nodded and kissed his cheek before walking outside. He came back shortly, holding five year old Rose's hand in his.

"She wants you to put her to bed." Frank said. Gerard nodded and picked her up, and began carrying her up the stairs. He tucked her under the blankets and kissed her forehead. She giggled and gripped her stuffed bear.

   "Goodnight sweetie." He whispered.

  "Wait!" She said as he went for he lamp switch.

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