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If I put these: ********** it means smut. If you don't wanna read, skip to where they show up again.


   "Frank?" Gerard rasped, slowly and smoothly running his hand down frank's side. Frank was lying in Gerard's bed, hand cuffed to the posts. He bit his lip painfully, anticipating what came next.

  "Y-yes gerard?"

  "Did I tell you that you were allowed to say my name?"

   "No.. I'm sorry."

   "Mhm. So what do you call me?"


   "Wrong answer."

   "Sir?" Frank whispered. Gerard bit his lip with a smirk and looked frank over with a dark expression.

   "There you go. You know, you've been such a problematic boy, pretending to love me and all. I'm all part of a game."

   "I'm sorry, I really do like y-"

   "Save it. I don't care. I figure if you're getting kicks out of this, I might as well have something in it for me too." Gerard mumbled. "Do you know what happens next?"

  "Y-you're gonna fuck me?"

  "No dear, I'm going to cut you. Nice and slow, not too deep. Just on that pretty little tummy of yours." Gerard smiled and kissed frank's nose. "Do you know why you're tied up?"

  "No." Frank whispered.

  "Because you'll be squirming with so much pleasure, and I wouldn't want you to be cut anymore than you need to be. Aw and look," he leaned down to frank's ear and whispered, "you're already so hard for me. God, so beautiful. I wish I could suck you off right now."

  "Please, Yes." Frank nodded quickly. Gerard kept his face lined with frank's as he lightly trailed his finger down the middle of frank's body, stopping at the base of frank's cock. The younger's mouth fell open as his eyes grew heavy, but Gerard kept his face steady, the same smirk resting on it.

  "Not yet." Gerard stood up straight and walked to the dresser. He pulled out the switchblade with the slaughter skin, and frank moaned at the sight. Gerard walked to the bed and straddled frank's groin. He took the dull end of the blade and teased frank by running the cold metal down his chest, all the way to his cock. Frank was whining and tugging on the handcuffs.

"Please take your shirt off." Frank whispered. Gerard smirked and slid the shirt off, throwing it somewhere in the room.

Frank's half lidded eyes ran over Gerard's upper body, the scars only turning him on more. Gerard started grinding against frank, still running the dull end of the blade over his skin.

Then frank woke up in Gerard's bed, breathing heavily, and even sweating a bit. He was spooning Gerard.

  And he had a massive boner.

He looked down at it, and yeah, it was pressed pretty firmly to Gerard's ass. He bit his lip and tried to get out of bed as quietly as possible. He finally got out, and looked down. He smiled at the paint that was dried onto his skin, his arms, stomach, even legs. Gerard was the same way, colored different colors. Some colors were even in his hair. It made frank happy. But he became panicked when he saw his erection. He crept past the bed slowly and quietly, careful not to wake Gerard up. He made it to the door and opened it, hoping no one was awake yet. He didn't even know what time it was, but it was daylight outside. So to his luck, they were probably awake.

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