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   I shit you not I'm at lunch as I'm writing this sentence and these guys next to me are playing truth or dare and I'm in a really weird fucking perspective right now.

~ Sorry for errors ~

As soon as Gerard got home safely, Mikey led him into the house. Gerard immediately stormed straight through the house, and out the back door. Mikey watched as his brother walked into the woods.

   "What happened to Gerard?" Marie asked. Mikey sighed and walked to the counter where Marie was standing with tea in her hands, looking concerned.

   "Frank happened. I'm gonna fucking kill that asshole." Mikey mumbled through gritted teeth.

   "What happened?"

  "He's just another one of them. Another kid who makes fun of Gerard and makes him into a joke. He'll pay."

  "Mikey, don't give in. That's what those kids want."

  "Oh trust me, that's the last thing Frank will want."

  "Mikey, I'm serious okay? We don't need more officers at our doorstep. It's okay to be angry. But please to harm frank. Even if I want you to." Marie said. Mikey huffed and walked to the kitchen table to sit down, watching the woods.

    Gerard walked to the yellow dandelions.

   He stood there, letting all the rage build up inside him before kicking the table leg.

  "Fuck!" He yelled. He kicked it again. "Fuck I'm so, fucking, stupid!" He said in between kicks. He yelled again and yanked at his hair, scratching down his face and arms from being so angry.

  "Fucking ugly!" He screamed, pacing back and forth. "Such a goddam joke!" He glanced around briefly, his eyes locking on the plant in the middle of the greenhouse. Their plant. Their flower.

   "Trust, huh?!" He yelled, walking over to it. He dug his hand into the soil and yanked out the small green sprout that was just sprouting. He ripped it apart at the stem and threw it down, punching the pot, making it fall off the stand and shatter. He gave a loud, frustrated sigh and paced to the roses.

  "Love." He whispered. "Is such bullshit!" He finished. He wrapped his hand around a handful of roses and pulled, barely paying attention to the thorns that dug deep into his palm. He yanked out the pink ones first, then the white. He paused and noticed how his breath hitched before yanking out the yellow roses with red tips. He yanked those the hardest.

   "Falling in love. What a joke." He stomped on the roses that now littered the ground. There was one rose left. Gerard paused again. It was a red one, in full bloom. He had noticed how it had been taking a while to bloom. He also noticed how there was a brown spot on one of the petals.

   "You'll die anyways." He mumbled through tears he didn't know he was shedding. "They all do." He pulled out the bloomed rose, and threw it on the ground. He looked around at the damage he had done and immediately felt regret. He sank down to his knees.

   "Fuck." He whispered, letting the tears fall freely. With his hand that didn't have thorns stuck inside, he gently picked up the yanked out roses and let his wet salty tears fall on the dying petals.

   "I'm so sorry." He whispered. He sobbed over the detached stems, hoping that maybe with enough hope, they'll all be back to normal, in their spots and still growing. But that was unrealistic, and he knew that.

   "I'm so sorry." He repeated. He kissed the red rose before holding the soft petals to his eyes, letting them soak the sadness right out of him. But there was too much. Too much sadness, too much pain. Pain was all he ever felt. Why did he always feel pain?

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