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Hi this sucks but this is Max.

~ sorry for any errors ~

Gerard and frank had been lying in that field for forty five minutes. Gerard was asleep, resting against frank's bare chest, and frank stared up at the sky, watching the clouds move slowly across the sky. He watched the occasional plane go over head and watched as the trail it left behind slowly disappeared, blending into the other clouds.

Frank contemplated pulling his phone out to text James and tell him about his decision. He'd have to talk to someone about it. He didn't tell Gerard about the third dare, which was the most important one. The one where he had to get Gerard to fall in love. And now that he actually was, frank felt sick and calm all at the same time. He felt calm because maybe he can get it on tape or get Gerard to say it in front of ray. Then it would all be over, no one gets hurt. But he also felt sick to his stomach because he had to tell him. He'd feel this never ending guilt if he didn't. And he needed James to help sort this out. But he never touched his phone to text him. Doing so would require Gerard to wake up and move away from him, which frank didn't want. So he lied on the blanket and watched the clouds until there was movement coming from Gerard.

   He looked down at Gerard to see him hiding his face behind his hand and against frank's skin while he yawned.

  "Aw." Frank cooed. Gerard looked up at him with squinted eyes from the sun and sleep, and a small smile crept up his face.

  "Don't 'aw' me." He said and laid his head back down onto frank's chest.

"Did you sleep well?"


"No nightmares?"

"I usually don't have those with naps. But I think you help them anyways." Frank smiled and traced the scars on Gerard's arm, which was wrapped over his body. He felt Gerard's pressure against him increase and looked down.

"Are you going back to sleep?" Frank asked amusedly, noticing Gerard's eyes droop again.

"No I'm just tired."

"Damn. When we actually fuck, you'll be in a coma won't you." Gerard laughed and hid his face again against frank's warm skin.

"First of all, I didn't sleep last night. I was too nervous. Second, don't say fuck."

"Sorry. 'Make love'?"

"Too cheesy?"

  "No. It suits you." Frank smiled. "Why didn't you sleep last night?"

  "I just said. I was nervous."

  "Of what?" Frank smirked. He ran the tips of his fingers lightly over Gerard's side.

  "Frank.." he whined quietly with a smile, lightly pushing on frank's chest. Frank overreacted by letting go of Gerard and rolling away, just out of Gerard's reach.

  "You pushed me!"

  "Come back." Gerard pouted, reaching an arm out to frank.

  "What were you nervous about?"

  "Frank I swear to god let me fucking cuddle or I'm gonna lose my shit." Gerard turned serious. Frank just giggled at him.

  "Just tell me."

  "I knew we were gonna do something sexual Okay? And I was scared you'd leave. But you didn't, and I love you, now come here so I can lay on you, dammit." He reached his hand out and brushed frank's arm but he didn't budge. Frank just stared down Gerard's body, smiling lightly at the marks that littered his skin.

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