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It was not easy. When Monday had rolled around, frank couldn't even bring himself to look at Gerard. And he wanted to. Because how the ever living hell could Gerard possibly love frank if he couldn't even look at him? It soon occurred to frank that he wasn't sure how far he was allowed to go. So he asked ray as soon as he walked into history.

How the fuck am I gonna make him fall in love with me?

Charm him with your boyish good looks.

Fuck off with your sarcastic attitude, yeah? What's the limit to what I can do?

No limit. Kiss him, dates, fuck him for all I care. Just get it done.

How long do I have?

How long do you need?

Frank looked over at Gerard as the bell rang to start class. He sat emotionless, staring at the board. He was stiff, sitting up so straight that frank was tempted to hold his pencil up to compare the two.

    Yeah, I'm gonna need a while.

    That's fine. Take your time.

Frank sighed and put his phone away. He ended up staring at Gerard again. All the way up until lunch. Gerard saw this too. Through the corner of his eyes, but even so, he saw frank looking. He covered his mouth as he smiled a bit. He couldn't help it. He loved messing with that kid on Friday. By the way frank was looking at him, Gerard was gonna get to mess with him again.

   Soon the lunch bell rang and the students all went to lunch, Gerard trailing behind everyone. Frank had already gone by that point, so Gerard was still waiting for him to sit down with him. He took his notebook and pen as he always did, and sat down in his usual spot, waiting on the cowering teenager.

  "What do you think you're doing?" Ray asked, amused as frank nearly sat down in front of him.

   "I'm too scared."

   "Frank stop being a bitch. Go." James was smiling from all of this, and oh how frank wanted to grab his shoulders and shake his smile away. But he stood up and made his way to the seat across Gerard. Gerard smiled down at his paper.

"Hi." Frank mumbled.

"Hello." Gerard looked up quickly and back down to his sketch of a young woman drowning. It was very beautiful, at least Gerard thought so. He payed attention to her desperate facial expression to be free from the ropes dragging her towards the sea floor. Frank however, thought it was disturbing, as he only payed attention to the drowning part.

"So, how's your day?" Frank asked, his eyes lingering at the sketch before turning up to look at Gerard's snowy hair.

"You're asking me how my day has been?" Gerard just kept sketching, adding detail after detail.

"Yeah. You seem uh... I mean..."

"What you mean, is that I look and act the same to you as I do every single day, and you want to make conversation so you're trying to make something up in hopes I'll just play along. Right?" Frank mentally huffed. Fuck you gerard.

"Sure." Frank rested his chin on his propped up hand and look past Gerard to Ray and James who were smiling.

"How was yours?" Frank heard Gerard ask back. Frank blinked.

"I'm sorry?"

"Your day. How was it."

"Oh, um... it was good I guess. Just anxious." Frank was confused as to why Gerard asked, or why he'd even care about his day. Gerard nodded at his response with a private little smile. He knew why frank was anxious. He was anxious to talk to him. Which only made Gerard smile harder at the thought.

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