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  Frank sat his bag down onto the couch, still holding Gerard's hand when his mother came around the corner.

"Hi frank, who's this?" She asked, smiling at Gerard who was standing awkward behind frank even though he was way too short to block him.

"Mom, this is Gerard. He's my.." He looked down at their interlocked fingers and back up to Gerard was was smirking down at the ground. "Friend. I think."

"Well, can I get you anything Gerard? A drink? Anything to eat?"

"No thank you ma'am." Frank was baffled by Gerard's politeness and felt slightly offended. So when he talks to Gerard for the first time it's all eye rolling, 'fuck you's, and the occasional mini heart attack he got, like from the ink in his pen being stale human blood kind of thing. But when his mom speaks to his at first? It's all shy smiles. 'Ma'am', and good manners. Gerard could tell frank noticed and he started giggling to himself.

   "Okay well, I'm Linda if you need anything." She smiled before walking off into the kitchen. Frank turned to Gerard and scowled at him before leading him up the stairs and entering his room.

   "You wanna tell me why the fuck you were nice to her but rude to m-" Frank was caught off guard by Gerard pushing him against his now closed bedroom door. He started breathing deeply, all the fear returning as Gerard gazed him over with a look of hunger. Which only reminded him of his dream, so frank was standing there, between Gerard and the door, biting his lip and suppressing a scream.

   "Gerard?" He squeaked out nervously. Gerard just smirked at him and moved away.

   "Just messing with you, Iero. Feels like I haven't done it in forever."

    "Haha, funny." He mumbled sarcastically.

    "I thought it was. You should've seen your fucking face. You... actually, I could've sworn you weren't scared. In fact, you looked a little turned on." Frank's breathing faltered but he kept himself visibly composed.

    "Where did all this arrogance come from?"

   "I don't know." He shrugged, but then frank remembered - coping mechanism.

   "Can you be your real self? Just for tonight?"


   "Gerard I know this isn't you."

   "Yes it is!" He said defensively, even though it wasn't true in the slightest.

   "No. Because every time I think I see a glimpse of who you really are, you change back into Mr. I'm-Gonna-Castrate-You. Please? Just for one night?" Gerard looked a Frank for a few moments, like he was considering something.

"Can I sit?" He asked timidly. Frank nodded and sat down on the bed with him.

"You don't know the real me." Gerard spoke, keeping his eyes on the wall in front of him.

"I suppose not, no. But I can. If you'll let me."

"You don't know the real me." He repeated. "Once you do know, you... you might not..." he sighed in defeat. Frank had an idea and slid his hand into Gerard's. Gerard gripped it tightly but still kept his stiff and proper posture. Frank furrowed his eyebrows down at their interlocked hands. Gerard held his as if it were keeping him together but when he looked back up at his face it was completely emotionless.

"Please say something." He whispered out. Frank just laid his free hand on Gerard's arm.

"I've seen bits and pieces. When you ran out of class and I had to find you. Before our first date and you were nervous. I don't know what you're into, likes and dislikes and all that Jazz, but I mean, I can tell you're sweet. I can tell you're soft. And I like that." Frank said quietly, leaning his head on Gerard's shoulder. The older went more stiff if that was even possible. Frank tried to loosen him up by rubbing his hand up and down his arm slowly and lightly.

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