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I listened to this as I wrote the smut and it was just so beautiful to imagine.
(Don't expect chapters to be this long)
~ sorry for errors ~

As soon as the boys got to frank's house, Linda was sitting on the couch waiting for them to arrive. They walked in and immediately froze, being slightly startled by her staring at the doorway.

   "Uh.. Hey ma." Frank mumbled. Linda waved and nodded, bringing her coffee up to her mouth.

"Hey Frank. Hi Gerard!" She smiled sweetly at him after she took a sip. Frank looked off to the corner wall, as if looking into a camera, and made a face. Gerard saw and chuckled lightly.

   "Cmon Frankie, don't be such a stick in the mud." Gerard nudged frank's shoulder with his own.

   "Yeah frank. Don't be such a stick." Said Linda. Frank scoffed and rolled his eyes, pulling Gerard up the stairs.

   "We'll be in my room!" Frank shouted.

   "Don't do anything stupid!" Linda yelled back, and frank shut his door. "Even though you will."

  Gerard sat down on frank's bed, it bouncing a bit.

   "She's nicer to you than me, I swear." Frank huffed and carried the picture Gerard had painted for him over to his nightstand, and sat it down gently.

   "Cause I'm a guest." Gerard said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. He looked up, smiling as frank lowered himself to sit on his lap. He held frank's waist tightly.

   "So now we're doing this?" He asked, smirking at frank. Frank shook his head with a matching smirk.

   "James hasn't brought the stuff yet. When he does, we gotta wait for mom to go to sleep. Then we'll do it." Frank said, running his fingers through Gerard's short white hair.

  "What's the stuff?" Gerard whined, letting his forehead fall onto frank's.

  "It's a surprise." It was obvious Gerard was nervous, so frank tried his best to soothe him.

  "Hey," He said, cupping Gerard's face. He let his thumb run slowly and softly over his cheek. "Listen, it's just like you said. It's not fucking. It's making love, and Gerard, I'm going to make love to you, Okay?"

  "I've... Ive never done it before... what if I'm bad?" He toyed with the hem of frank's jeans, looking down at their laps, as if he were embarrassed.

  "I've never done it before either." Frank said, laughing a bit. "And I'm kinda scared. But I don't care how bad you are. Even if you don't do anything. I just want to show you how much I care. This, tonight, it isn't about me. It's all about you. I want you to know that."

"Well I mean I'm not just gonna lie there." Gerard blushed, still looking down. Frank smiled and pop kissed his lips, enjoying the warmth and softness of them. He pulled back slightly and lingered there, before Gerard pulled him back and kissed him slowly. Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard's neck as if he would fall away from him if he didn't. Gerard ran his tongue along frank's bottom lip. He opened his mouth and immediately Gerard's tongue slipped in, moving around with frank's. He moaned against him as frank started sucking on his tongue.

"Frank!" Linda yelled from downstairs. He nearly fell off of Gerard from being scared so much but Gerard noticed and grabbed him. Frank sighed heavily and stood off of him, a slight tent in his pants. He smirked once he saw Gerard was a little worked up too.

"I'll be right back." Frank mumbled, wiping the spit from his mouth. Gerard nodded shyly and kicked his shoes off, scooting up towards the headboard. Frank made his way downstairs where Linda was standing in the middle of the living room, hands on her hips, looking frustrated.

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