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They both woke up the next day rather later than usual. Gerard woke up at ten, and frank woke up at twelve. Gerard spent those two hours watching over frank as he cuddled into his chest. He liked watching his breathing, how his lips were slightly parted as soft little sighs came out every so often. He would occasionally brush away some fallen hair from his face, admiring how soft his skin was, and how soft he was in general. At some point during the night, Gerard took his shirt off just to have more skin to skin contact. He got this feeling from frank, a feeling of security and love. A feeling that frank described the night before, a feeling of warmth and home. Gerard felt like he was at home near frank. Like he belonged. He never had that feeling, even before his tragic events. He felt like he was just drifting along, and while he probably still was, frank made him feel otherwise.

  Gerard was in deep thought when frank yawned, snuggling further against his chest.

  "You're so fucking cute." Gerard grinned. Frank groaned as if he were grumpy but Gerard saw the smile on his face. He ran his hands down his back, and back up, massaging the dark red marks his fingernails left last night.

  "I'm sorry." Gerard said. He wasn't really that sorry cause he liked marking frank, but it must've hurt.

  "Don't be." Frank said, sitting up a bit, rubbing his eyes. "Feel free to scratch next time." Gerard blushed.

   "Why? Are you a masochist?"

   "Maybe." He said seriously. "I didn't think I was but you squeezing my hand till it felt like it would break and your nails digging in me felt fucking amazing."

   "We'll just have to try it out next time then." Gerard sat up and glanced over frank's room. He ended up eyeing the guitar across frank's bedroom. He thought about something for a moment, deciding if he should follow through.



   "Is your guitar in drop D by any chance?" Frank stood up to grab the guitar, and walked back to the bed.

   "It is." He smiled as he sat down with it, placing it on his lap. "Did you wanna hear something?"

   "Um.. well actually, I wanna play something."

  "Did you learn something new?" Frank asked, skeptical. He knew Gerard. He knew that the only song he knew how to play was Heart-Shaped Box and he knew that no one was allowed to hear him play it except for Mikey and Marie.

   "No." He mumbled. Frank handed it over to Gerard, his heart rate picking up. Gerard winced at the cold guitar pressing against his bare skin. His heart was beating just as fast. Frank watched intently as Gerard placed his fingers in the right positioning. He took a deep breath and started strumming the first chords. Frank's heart burst out of his chest. It wasn't even the song itself, it was the fact that Gerard had trusted him that much to be able to play it for him.

The song went by and Gerard never opened his mouth. He finished and sat the guitar on frank's lap, biting his lips and looking flushed.

"That was beautiful, baby." Frank smiled and left a small kiss on Gerard's cheek. He smiled sheepishly and shied away from him, giggling.

"Thank you."

"You didn't sing." Frank observed. Gerard nodded.

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