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Hi! I'm hella nervous about this but there was a lot of people asking for this and I actually had a different version of it saved in my drafts for a year. I changed it though but yeah. Here you go :).

(Edit: This was originally based off of 2 Oneshots from my Smut book. If you wanna read and compare them that's cool. Also if you've read the smut but are just now reading this, the oneshot is different from this Fic. Okay have fun)


   "Truth or dare?" Frank asked, sitting down at his usual lunch table.

"We're not doing this now." Ray mumbled. Frank smirked and shifted his gaze between ray and James.

"Pussy." He challenged.

"One day. Just one god forsaken day I'd like to eat lunch and get through the school day without your bullshit." James snickered beside ray. Ray turned and gave him a glare.

"I can't help that I'm bored." Frank stated.

"Then eat your food."

"Okay," He shoved five French fries into his mouth, "I'm still bored though." Ray sighed and sat his milk carton down.

   "One round. We'll play one round, Okay? Will that shut your ever so talking mouth up?"

    "Yes please." Frank mumbled through his French fries. He swallowed hard and held his chest for a few moments, he had just consumed a handful of French fries after all.

    "Okay so," he rasped after his chest stopped hurting, "James, Truth or dare."


     "Oh my-  you two I swear to god. You don't know how to have fun at all."

     "What's that supposed to mean?" Ray questioned.

     "You always pick Truth! Take some risks for once. Anyways, James, is it true that... oh, is it true that you bought your own women's vibrator?"

     "That's a fucking rumor!" Frank stared at him in disbelief. "Okay, Yes, a vibrator fell out of my backpack but listen it wasn't mine."

      "Who's was it?" Ray asked, edging closer.


     "Ooh James, get it!"

     "No! There's a reason I broke up with that crazy bitch. She planted it there cause she's out to get me."

     "Damn. I heard a rumor that it was yours." Ray mumbled. Frank laughed and decided to speak up.

     "I heard a rumor it was your mom's. No joke intended."

     "What?!" James practically screamed, drawing attention from other tables. He calmed his voice to a whisper. "That's fucking disgusting!"

     "That's what I heard." Frank shrugged. James shook his head and sighed.

     "Truth or dare, ray?"

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