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;) (also thank you for 20k omfg I love you guys. I'm a bitch sometimes but that's just because I'm sensitive with my writing. But seriously, thank you.)

Also check out this adorable fan art by YoLilBlueUmbrella I love it when you guys do this. :,) Tysm

~sorry for any errors~


It was Friday and frank couldn't keep the smile off his face as he walked closer to Gerard who was standing by his car, biting his lip.

"Hi." Frank said happily as he walked closer.

"Hi." Gerard smiled back and got in his car, frank following him. Once they were sat inside, Frank looked over at Gerard and smirked. He reached over and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Your hair. It's growing out. Are you gonna dye it soon?" Frank asked. Gerard shrugged.

"Maybe. I might dye it black. The white is so damn hard to maintain. Plus if I keep bleaching it, it'll fall out."

  "You'd look fucking hot with black hair." Frank mumbled, sitting back with a smirk.

  "Then maybe I will dye it." Gerard smiled before starting the car and driving home. Frank bit his lip as he looked out the window, watching the trees pass by. He didn't pay much attention in school all day. He was way too nervous. He was planting a flower with Gerard today. He thought it was kind of silly that planting a flower was so intimate, but it was for Gerard. Besides, he had been planning on telling Gerard the truth. The truth about everything. A Freesia stood for trust after all, how could they both fully trust each other if frank had been lying?

   He felt Gerard's hand take his and he smiled at his reflection in the window.

   Gerard was a different story. He had planned on spilling his heart out to frank. Telling him how much he cared. How much he wanted him, all of him, and how much he loved him. Which is why he was so nervous all day. Even then, he had to pull his hand back and place it back on the wheel from shaking so much.



   "Why are we so nervous about this?" He asked. Frank laughed and shrugged. He turned his head to look at Gerard.

   "I wish I knew." Frank said. Gerard just smiled.

   Once they pulled up to Gerard's driveway, they both looked over at each other briefly before getting out of the car.

   Gerard began leading frank towards the side of the house but out of nervousness, Frank spoke up.

   "Can I use the bathroom first?" He asked. Gerard turned around and nodded.

   "Yeah. I'll be on the back patio. Here's the house key. Lock the front back but you can keep the back unlocked."

   "Okay. Thanks." He mumbled.

   "Oh, can you get a blanket out of the hallway closet? I wanna lay in the field. It's nice out today."

   "Sure." Frank smiled before walking to the front door and unlocking it. He locked it back once he was inside and and ran to the bathroom before shutting the door and falling against it, pulling his phone out. He decided to text James.

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