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Here we go.
I'm scared.

~ Sorry for errors ~

   Frank sat in his car for a good two minutes before getting out of it and nervously making his way to his front doors. He walked in, slowly shutting the doors behind him.

"Hey Frankie. James is upstairs, he came over so I told him you'd be back soon. He's been waiting." Linda said as she folded laundry over the couch.

"Thanks." Frank mumbled.

"Everything alright?" She eyed frank suspiciously.

"Yeah. Everything's fine." Frank lied and walked upstairs to his bedroom. He opened his door to James sitting in the computer chair on his phone. He looked stressed, bouncing his knee up and down.

"Hey." Frank said, closing the door and sitting on his bed, facing James.

"Hey." James clicked his phone off and ran his hand through his curly brown hair.

"How was your day?" Frank asked.

"Good. Except I went to the bathroom earlier and some fucking couple were doing it so I kinda tried to go as quick as possible. It fucking scarred me dude." Frank snorted and smiled, holding in a laugh. James furrowed his eyebrows but then stared at frank.

   "Frank." Frank stopped and stared at him as well.


   "Was that... were you and Gerard... oh fuck you!" James whisper yelled. Frank laughed.

   "I'm sorry but I couldn't help myself. You should see him lately he's.. he's like a god of lust. He exudes sex. He's just.." Frank sighed like a teenage girl. "Perfect."

  "Well I'm really happy that you found someone who makes you happy. But please for the love of god, don't fuck in the public bathroom. Find a supply closet. Do it at home. I don't care but please, not the bathrooms."

"We did do it at home." Frank smirked, laying back.

"Yeah. I saw your limp." James muttered. Frank blushed and rolled his eyes.

"What did you wanna talk to me about?"

"Gerard. Well, him and Ray."

"Yeah, about Ray, I don't think he knows. I mean if he did, he would've called it off, right? Or at least he would've said something. I think maybe you overreacted."

"Frank, you didn't see his face. I did. He has to know. Even if he didn't find out, he'd be stupid to not connect the dots." James sighed again. "My point is, I think you should tell Gerard the truth. It has nothing to do with Ray. But you've led him on so long. It's getting worse and you know it. It's unhealthy." Frank sat and thought about James' words. He was right. He had been leading Gerard on for a very long time. He wanted to make things right. But with that, there was the chance of losing him. He most definitely would.

"I can't." He whispered. "I can't lose him."

"Frank, I'm sure he's strong-"

"I'm not!" Frank admitted. And he felt immense shame for it. He didn't want to come to terms with that. He knew Gerard was strong. Broken, sure. But strong. He'd never tried to kill himself or hurt himself. He was stronger than most because Gerard led a shitty life and was doing just fine. But frank? Not so much. The issue with him was, he led a good life, but he was not fine. He was frustrated, upset beyond repair, and lovestruck even though he knew it wouldn't last. Even though he really wanted it to. He wasn't strong. He needed Gerard.

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