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As frank drove back home, he was cursing Ray for this stupid dare. Gerard was stubborn as fuck. He wouldn't even consider the date, he just flat out turned frank down. This again had him confused. He was a good person, a great person, or at least he thought so. So why the hell would Gerard not want him? He wasn't giving up though, not yet. He really didn't like Gerard too much, but he didn't like streaking even more. He'd rather date the ugliest, weirdest, creepiest guy in school than streak on game day. And if dating Gerard Way kept him from doing it, he would date him.


For the first time in a year, Gerard felt nervous. He hated being nervous. It defied science. How can your heart beat so fast, yet you can barely breathe? It made no sense to him. He hated that tight feeling in his chest. He wanted it to go away. It would go away, but only if Gerard backed out and didn't ask out frank. Though Mikey was right, he was lonely. Even if it was a friend, Gerard needed it. He knew that.

He sat down in history, waiting on frank. Once he walked in, he sat down three seats away from Gerard in his assigned seat. Gerard was a little bummed to see that frank wasn't staring at him today. Maybe that was a good thing. Maybe frank wasn't judging him or making fun of him in his head. But that small hope was gone when Gerard saw frank smiling at his phone. Suddenly, his paranoia kicked in. He was either doing two things, talking to someone else romantically, or he was making fun of him. Suddenly, It was a lot harder for Gerard. He became even more nervous, and he actually started to slouch. Gerard never slouched, not in public. To him it showed vulnerability and weakness. He didn't like looking weak. He didn't like feeling weak. He guessed he'd rather die than to feel weak.

   Frank looked down at his phone where there was an Instagram slideshow of dogs. He scrolled through each picture, smiling at each one. He got bored with class and this was just so much better than history. He'd much rather spend an hour with dogs of all breeds than spending an hour learning about World War II. He was knocked out of his thoughts when the bell rang for lunch. He stood up, and walked to the cafeteria. He decided to talk to ray and James first, since they always asked for an update with Gerard.

   "I have a plan guys." Frank spoke as he stood in front of them.

   "Which is?" Ray mumbled through his fries.

   "I asked him out yesterday twice and he said no but I have a plan so chill." Ray snorted.

   "You were turned down by him? Twice?" James and ray both started laughing. Frank just rolled his eyes and walked to Gerard. Once he sat down, they both started talking at the same time.

"Would you do want you to go hang on a date instead?" Their words mixing together. They just both nervously laughed.

"You go first." Gerard mumbled, tapping his pen obnoxiously against his paper.

"Would you want to hang out instead?" Gerard wasn't so scared anymore. Frank was still sitting with him, he was still interested. Nothing to worry about.

"I was going to ask if you still wanted that date."

   "You still want a date?" Frank asked, smiling wide, though he was a very good actor. On the inside, his stomach was curling up into itself at the thought.

"Um.." Gerard looked over to Mikey who was watching them while eating his bread. He turned back to Frank. "Yeah. Sure." Frank smiled and mentally freaked out because suddenly, all of this was too real. Frank was going on a date with Gerard, and vice versa. Where would they even go? What would they do?

  "Where do you want to go?" Frank asked, wiggling in his seat. Gerard shrugged.

  "We can just hang out at my house."

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