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"I don't think it goes like that" I laughed

"Trust me I know what I'm doing" Zach replied putting two pieces together of a crib together

"I'm not sure you do" I continued laughing as the door bell rang. "ill get it" i walked out of the nursey.

zach and i have gotten really close, its almost like we never broke. we do have a couple awkward moments, like sometimes we get too close or we almost hold hands. but we both know nothing can happen, either way i stop it before the moment becomes real.

"hey guys" i opened the door

"hey, how are the twins?" daniel asked

"still not ready" i laughed.

the boys and girls have been so anxious for me to go into labor. they say and i quote, "we just wanna hold them aleady."

"Where's Zach" Christina asked as everyone else came in

"In the nursery, come on" I answered.

"Can he build the cribs" jonah laughed

"No, he's been at it since yesterday, his dad and I have tried helping but he wants to do it himself." I answered

"Hey guys" Zach looked up as we walked in

"Need any help?" Corbyn asked

"No i almost got it" he answered

"I wouldn't let the babies sleep in there" jack whispered

"I heard that" Zach said as he continued working.

"Is this the paint" May asked picking up the bucket of light pink paint we plan to paint the  room

"Yeah, we just haven't painted it yet because Mia is always here and it bad for the babies." Zach answered

"It's my house" I said

"Well in that case you all can come tomorrow and paint the room" May replied

"All of us?" Jack asked

"Yes all of you" Christina answered

"But I'll still be here" I said

"No you won't we're going dress shopping" Elle replied

"I don't know, I mean these five guys in my house alone, who knows what kind of mess I'll come to find" I explained

"We won't do anything" jonah said

"Trust us" Corbyn continued

"We do need to finish the nursery" Zach said

"I don't know" I repeated

"Come on Mia, the doctor said we have to be prepared for anything, that includes the babies coming early, which means this room has to be done." Zach explained

"Fine" I gave in. " but if I come home and see my house destroyed-"

"It won't be destroyed" Daniel laughed

"Ok then, I'll go" I gave in

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