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"Good morning" my mom said opening the door

"Morning" i smiled

Although my smile didnt last long. I quickly jumped out of my bed and ran to the bathroom.

"Mia are you feeling ok?" My mom knocked

"Yes mom, i dont know whats wrong." I amswered

"Ill be right back stay here ok" she said

I waited for her on the bathroom floor.

"Last night, when you were gone, i was thinking, sbout how youve been throwing up this whole week. I wondered what could be wrong. At first i thought it could be a stomach bug, but you haven't had any pain or fever. After that only one thing came to mind. And i went to the store and got you these." She said handing me a plastic bag.

The bag was filled with pregnancy tests.

"You think im pregnant?" I asked

"I dont want to be involved in private life, but could you?" She asked

"Mom i-" i started

"Mia if you are i want you to know that i went through the same thing. Why do you no one in my family talks to us. I got pregnant before marriage. I just want you to talk to me, you can trust me." She cut me off

"It only happened once, zach and i were waiting until marriage. But we were at this interview and they asked us about our future and if we were ever going to get married. Mom we only want to be with each other. It seemed useless to wait till marriage. But i promise it was only happened once." Tears begin to flood my eyes.

"Mia its ok, i understand. I just want you to take these tests" she hugged me

"We used protection, i cant be pregnant" i insisted

"You never know" she said as she walked out of the bathroom closing the door.

"Are you done" she knocked

"Yeah" i answered as she came in

"Now we wait."

After 5 minutes it was finally time to check.


"This has to be wrong" i said picking it up.

"You can take more" she said pionting at the bag with about 5 more tests

20 minutes later

"You ready to check" my mom asked



"You're pregnant" she hugged me

"Im pregnant" i repeated. "This isnt a bad thing right" i asked

"Of course not, mia this is a gift, youre gonna be a mom and zachs gonna be a dad."

"Zach, how am i gonna tell zach, i have a tour coming up in a couple of months, photoshoots, we're too busy."

"Hey everything will work itself out." She hugged me again. "Im gonna be a grandma" she laughed

"Im gonna be a mom" i smiled.

"Now hurry up and get dressed, you have to get on a plane and tell zach."

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