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"so what'd you think" he asked as we got back in the car

"it was amazing thank you so much, but my feet hurt so bad and i'm really hungry, so we should stop somewhere and get something to eat" i answered

today was amazing we got on so many rides and went to almost every store there and bought some things for nova and nathaly. we were stopped by a couple of fans asking if we were still together and if i was coming back from my break anytime soon. of course we didn't say anything about the new album and just sort of played the questioned off. it wasn't late and although it was fun  leaving the house for the day and being with zach, i really missed the girls.

"or we could order something when we get home that way we're already in pajamas and we could watch a movie" he suggested

"that sounds perfect"i smiled "are we gonna pick up the girls" i asked

"actually my mom said she could drop them off later tonight at around 9:30, so we still have a couple of hours of alone time."

i smiled at him and quickly remembered he said he had another surprise for later

"so..." i started, "whats the other surprise"

"well you see i can't tell you because it's um a surprise" he laughed

"oh come on just tell me"

"nope but you'll see soon enough"

the rest of the car ride was pretty quiet other than both of saying ideas for different songs and before i knew it i was finally home.

" i kinda want to take my shoes off and walk barefoot or maybe just crawl inside" i joked as he opened my car door

"come on" he said as he put his arms out. " i'll carry you inside"

"you see that is why i love you" i smiled

"just because of this" he said opening the front door


"oh really" he said walking up the stairs while holding me. "maybe this will change your mind" he opened my bedroom door

the room was filled with roses and there was a pizza box on the bed calling my name.

"zach you didn't have to do this again" he gently out me down and i turned to look at him

" i know but i wanted to, so why don't you change into something more comfortable and i'll start picking a movie"

before walking into my closet i gave him a quick kiss showing him how much he meant to me. by the time i got in bed zach still couldn't choose a movie.

"you know i've been thinking about what you said, you know about the sing i wrote for the girls" i started telling him

"yeah and what do you think"

"well if you follow me i'll show you" i got up walking out the door

i sat at the piano and waited for him to join me.

" so i um loved how you said this could be a sing to be dedicated to any loved one, mother father children sibling friends significant others, and i was remembering how you decorated my room with roses and when we took the girls to the beach something clicked with the sound of the waves and well i guess the words sort of came to me as i thought about you and the girls, here these are the lyrics in english" i handed him a paper and began to play the piano.

"Si algún día te vas de casa
Yo te llevo a la NASA
Eh, pido un cohete y voy directo por ti
Y si no estoy y algo te pasa
Recuerda que todo en la vida cambia
Y no importa lo que pase, te prometo no faltarte
Me siento grande por ti
Y aunque lo intentara no podría sin ti
Toda mi felicidad es gracias a ti
Y si yo me muero volvería por ti
Me siento grande por ti
Y aunque lo intentara no podría sin ti
Toda mi felicidad es gracias a ti
Y si yo me muero volvería por ti, por ti
Se quedan cortas las palabras realmente
Y a Dios le doy gracias porque estás aquí presente
Quiero que sepas que te amo eternamente
Que cuando dije "si", lo dije para siempre
A tu lado todo no es perfecto pero sí mejor
Y cada detalle tuyo es mejor que el anterior
Aquella canción
Y cuando decoras con rosas mi habitación
Vamos a enseñarle al mundo lo que es amor
Tú y yo podemos juntos, eh
Porque amo todas las locuras de tu mente
Y así me encanta presumirte ante la gente
Me siento grande por ti
Y aunque lo intentara no podría sin ti
Toda mi felicidad es gracias a ti
Y si yo me muero volvería a por ti
Me siento grande por ti
Y aunque lo intentara no podría sin ti
Toda mi felicidad es gracias a ti
Y si yo me muero volvería a por ti"
i sang to him

"i love it" he quickly came up to me and pressed a kiss on my lips

it was a small kiss at first, i wrapped my arms around his neck and he held onto my waist, but i soon felt his smirk against my lips and shortly after he began to deepen the kiss. he gently traced my lip with his tongue asking for permission. as soon as i parted my lips, granting him permission, i felt his tongue explore my mouth. i was shocked when i heard a small moan escape my lips. he pulled away and smiled at me.

"you know we still have a while before my mom gets here" he said as his lips found my neck

"yeah" i said tilted my head to give him more access

" hmm" was i all i heard him before his lips found mine once again

i slowly began to pull away and told him

"yeah but there's a pizza up stairs that calling my name" i laughed

"you know i figured this would happen" he whined as i pulled him back up the stairs and into the room

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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