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"So you didn't kiss?" May asked after I told them what happened

"No we Didn't kiss" I confirm

"Why not Mia"

"Why not what"

"Get back together you guys love each other you're gonna be parents you're meant to be" Christina explained

"Things changed"  I answered

Before they could say anything jonah walked down the stairs

"I ordered the pizzas" he said as the rest of the boys followed him down

"What should do till it gets here?" Corbyn asked

"Truth or dare" May smiled

"I'm down"  Christina said as everyone nodded their head yes

"Zach you're first truth or dare" May began


"Tell us your deepest Darkest secret" she laughed

Zach quickly got tense and sat up straight

"I don't have one" he answers

"Everyone one has one" Daniel laughed

All eyes were on Zach

"I don't" he repeated

"Fine mia truth or dare" May moved on

"Truth" I answered

"What's your secret" jack asked

"My secret would be that I know someone's secret" I answered truthfully

"What is it" Christina asked

"Can't say" I looked down

"Let's just keep going" Daniel said

Soon it was my turn again

"Mia truth or dare" Corbyn asked


"I dare you to kiss either person to your left or right" May quickly said

"May" I heard jack say as I looked to my right and saw Daniel looking down, I looked to the left and met zachs eyes

After a second I got up and walked towards the stairs

"Im going to bed" I said

"Mia come back it's just a game" May laughed

I turned around. "You went to far this time May" I said and walked up the stairs.

"You guys stay if you want and wait for the pizza, just don't make a mess" I said from the top of the stairs

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