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Zachs POV

After holding the girls for a while mia felt tired and slowly fell asleep. I put the girls in the cribs and sat next to Mia.

"I love you" I whispered as I left the room.

"Hey, how's Mia?" May asked

"Shes fine" I answered

"And the girls?"

"Perfect, they're all asleep" I smiled

"So you gonna tell us what happened" Daniel laughed

"What" I asked

"What happened when we left" jack joined

"Nothing" I looked down

"Oh come on, you're just like Mia" Christina laughed

"Fine, we... we had a moment" I said walking away

"A moment, what kind of moment?" Corbyn asked

"Where's jonah?" I Changed the subject

"With your mom, now answer the question, what kind of moment" Corbyn repeated

"We might have kissed"

"Kissed" Christina yelled

"Keep it down please" a nurse walked by

"Sorry" I smiled

"Yes we kissed, now I'm gonna go find my mom"  I could hear them whispering as I walked away

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