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"Where are you going now?" Christina asked as I walked to the cashier.

"I might get something to eat then head home, Zach and the girls are waiting for me" I answered

"Ok then I'll see you tomorrow, I have to buy some groceries" she smiled

"Bye" I hugged her and May

"Thank you, have a great day" a cashier said

I smiled and walked out the door.

"What are you doing here?" I asked as I saw my father standing by my car

"The car looked familiar, I saw in your driveway the other night" he answered

"Did you follow me"

"No, um, one of my um daughters is getting married and we'll she just left"

"One of your daughters is getting married" I repeated. "You know what I'm gonna go"

"Wait, you wanna get something to eat or coffee, maybe we could talk"

"I don't have anything say" i answered

"I wanna meet my granddaughters ok, I wanna be grandpa, and I wanna be there for you I really do. "

"How many daughters do you have worn your wife?" I asked

"Mia I-"

"How many"


"And sons"


"Like I said I'm gonna go" I got in my car

"Can I at least see your dress" he asked


"Your wedding dress, I'd like to see it"

"I'm not engaged, I don't plan on getting married anytime soon, you would know this if you would have stayed in my life" I said turning on my car

"Mia please I -"

"My daughters are waiting for me so I really do have to go" I said before leaving.

"Hey" Zach said as I walked in the house

"Hey, where did you go?" I asked as I saw the girls in their strollers

"Oh um we just for a walk, we came home a couple minutes ago" he answered

"Oh" I took nova out of the stroller and Zach grabbed nathaly.

"So how did it go" he asked

"I saw my dad again"


"He was there buying one of his daughters a wedding dress"

"Mia I'm so sorry" he said

"I don't understand, he left us because my mom was having another girl, I mean he already has a son, and now he has a whole new family he has 4 daughters and not one son." I explained. "Why couldn't he just stay, Why couldn't he just keep his promise and take to an amusement park."

"Hey if he would have to one. You to the amusement park, I don't think we would've ever gotten together"


"When we went to the amusement park almost 5 years ago, I realized that I was in love you, it didn't matter if I was with someone else, I loved you, cause I do, I love you" he said placing his hand on my cheek

"Zach,I-" he started to lean in

Before he could touch my lips nathaly began to cry.

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