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Zachs p.o.v

"So what happened?" Jack asked

"Nothing" I answered

"You really expect us to believe that" Daniel laughed

"Yeah you should have y'all's faces when I opened the door" Corbyn added

"You opened the door, Corbyn why couldn't just let them have their moment" jack argued

"I'm sorry i didn't know what was happening, the door was closed"

"Guys just stop, Zach tell us what happened"jonah said

"Just drop it guys" I walked towards the door

"Come on Zach, she's most likely telling May and Christina what happened" Daniel answered as I was about to leave the room

"Fine" I gave in and closed the door. "We were about to kiss"

"What" they all said in sync

"Well we hugged and then almost kissed" I said. "but we didn't kiss ok the twins started kicking and we both pulled away" I quickly added as there their eyes were widening

"But you guys had a moment" jack said

"We've had so many moments, but Mia pulls away every time" I reply

"But why, I mean she was head over heels for you, you both were, and I thought she said she forgave you for getting drunk" jonah replied

"I don't know" i started getting nervous. No one knows what actually happened that night. I don't even want to image what Mia would think of me if she did. " let's just go downstairs" I quickly suggested

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