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Zachs POV

"Hey man, how are the girls" jonah asked

"They're perfect" I answered as he walked away

"So how are you, you know with officially being a dad" my mom asked

"I'm happy, really happy, nothing can get better than this right"

"Just wait till they can't sleep at night" she laughed. "So what's up, shouldn't you be with Mia" she asked

"She's asleep, I just wanted to talk to you" I answered

"Ok then talk"

"We kissed"

"What?" She asked in shock

"We were holding the girls and it just happened, and I don't know what to do mom, I love her, I've always have, but she's pulls away and I understand why she does,I hurt her I really hurt her, I mean she broke up with me because of it. I don't know I don't want to put my self out there and get rejected." I explained

"Zach, honey she loves you too, i can see it, but you're right you hurt her. Look the only advice I can give you is to give her time and be patient with her, she just had twins don't pressure her into something she's not ready for"

"You're right, thanks mom" I hugged her

"Anytime, now go be with you're family cause Reese asks Ryan  are coming soon with dad and you are not gonna be able to hold those girls until they leave" she laughed

"Love you mom" i smiled

"Love you too honey"

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