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"Good morning" I woke seeing Zach holding the girls

"Good morning" he smiled." You ready to get out here"

"Yes, I hate hospitals" i laughed

"Here" he handed me one of the girls.

"I will never get tired of holding them" I smiled

"Me neither" he said as the doctor walked in

"So the girls did fantastic last night, they passed all their test, and I've heard they're taking breast milk perfectly fine, is that correct"

"Yes, it took them a while to  take it but they're getting there." I answered

"Ok, remember if you do want to change to formula, it's better if you do so in the first 2 months" he said. "Other than that you guys are doing amazing and you should be out of here at around 3 or 4"

"Thank you" Zach and I said as he walked out

"You don't like them" I said

"I do, I love them, it's just" Zach started


"You are the most indecisive person I have ever met, are sure you like the names, I don't want you regretting naming them" he explained

"I love them, I promise I won't regret it"



"Ok then we are officially done here" he said filling out the papers. "Let's go"

He helped me up and we put the girls in their car seats. I'm actually not in any pain, I'm mostly sore. We walked out of the hospital made way to my car.

"I'm sure your mom is excited to meet them" Zach said as my phone rang

"She's been texting me all day wanting to know if I'm almost home yet"

"Come on"he put the girls in

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