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"Im home" i yelled as i walked through the door.

"Mia" amy ran to hug me

"Amy" i said hugging her back.

"Hi mom" i said as she wrapped her hands around me and amy.

"Noah is almost here" amy said as the door opened.

"Mia" he said wrapping his around all of us.

"Ok lets let mia breathe" my mom told them

"We need to talk" she said with a serious face

We walked to the kitchen and she sat me down while she rested her hands on the counter.

"I know you havent been eating." She finally said

"What?" I asked

"Zach told me" she answered

"Mom i-" before i could answer i quickly covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom.

"Mija" she yelled and followed me.

"You can go" i told her wiping my mouth

"Whats wrong?" She asked

"Nothing, its probably something i ate this morning." I answered

"Speaking of eating, this whole week that you're here im gonna be watching you making sure you eat." She said

"I know" i answered.

She walked out of the bathroom asking me again if i was ok. I washed my hands and rinsed my mouth before walking out to find the table completely covered with food.

"Come on lets eat" amy dragged me to the table.

"Mom i really dont feel like eating right now." I sat down.

"Just a little bit, you can eat more later." She answered putting food on my plate.

"I still feel nauseous" i grabbed my stomach

"Go rest for a whole but im gonna take you food later." she said

I smiled and went up to my old room.

" i bought you some food." Mom said as she slowly opened the door.

"Thanks" i sat up on my bed

"How are you feeling"

"A lot better, i dont know what happened" i answered

"Maybe you shouldnt do the photoshoot tomorrow" she suggested

"I have to mom, they moved it over here because i wouldnt be in California i cant just bail on them"

"Fine, but if you dont feel good youre coming back home"

"I will i promise" i smiled

"Now eat then go to bed" she said walking out

"Thank you"

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