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"Im so excited" zach said grabbing my hand not taking his eyes from the road

"Me too" i smiled looking at him

"How should we tell the guys and girls?" He asked

"I dont know you can tell them if you want" i answered

"You sure"

"Yeah" i smiled

"This is really happening, we're gonna be parents." Zach laughed

"We're gonna be parents" I confirmed as he made a right turn.

"I promise you we are going to do everything together, ok,  doctor appointments, car seat shopping, we're gonna build the crib together, get the nursery ready, I'll be right next to you when you don't feel good or if you need to someone to hold back your hair, and if you get a craving, I'll do what I can to make sure you're satisfied and happy. What ever obstacle that comes our way we'll overcome it." He said as we arrived.

" I love you" I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek.

"I love you" he took my hand and kissed it.

We got out of the car and Daniel was there waiting for us.

"Welcome back mia, everyone's outside" he smiled

"Hey Daniel" I greeted

"We walked through the house and went to the back yard where everyone was waiting for us.

"You guys finally came what took so long?" Christina said as she hugged me

"We went to visit Zachs family" I answered

"Before you guys get in, I want to tell you guys something" Zach said as Corbyn was about to jump in

"Zach I'm sure it can wait or you can tell us when we're in already, it's hot" jack complained

"Fine I'll tell you later" Zach gave in.

We were outside all day until they finally decided to come inside to eat.

"Now can i tell you guys the really important thing?" Zach asked as we all finished eating.

"Now you can tell us" May said

"Mias pregnant" he blurted out

All eyes were on me

"Youre pregnant?" Jonah asked

I nodded

"Like seriously, you guys aren't messing around?" Christina asked

"I'm pregnant" I confirmed

"How do we know you're not lying?" Daniel questioned

"Zach hand me my bag" I pointed to a chair with my bag in it.

I reached in and took out one of the tests and put in the table

"We're not lying" I smiled

"You could easily buy a fake one"

"Why would I buy six fake tests" I put the other five with the first one I took out

"She's pregnant guys" Zach defended

Christina and may quickly got up and hugged me

"I'm so happy for you" Christina laughed

"This is amazing" May smiled

"Congrats guys, you guys deserve a family, to be happy" jack smiled after hugging us.

"We're here for you no matter what, you can count on us" Daniel said

"You guys are gonna be amazing parents" jonah continued

"We're all gonna be uncles and aunts, what's better than that" Corbyn laughed

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