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"Hey M"

"Don't call me that" I said

"Mia, who is it" Zach asked again half way down the stairs

"Nobody"I turned around to see him

"Mia please can we talk, you have to let me in, I'm your father" he said still outside

"What are you doing here" I asked

"I came to talk"

"It's late, I'm really tired, and I just don't feel like talking"

"I'll come back another time then" he left

I closed the door and leaned against it.

"Hey, do you wanna talk about" Zach said next to me

"Im gonna go check on the girls" I said

At around 10 I went to my room where I found Zach.

"Hey" he said


"So what happened with your dad, you've never talked about him."

"Um on my eighth birthday, he promised to take me to an amusement park, it would have been my first time. I was so excited it's all I talked about at school. That same day my mom was gonna find if she was having a girl or boy. After school I came back home and found my mom crying on the couch. She had a bruise on her cheek. He only wanted sons and my mom was having another girl. So he left, he packed up his things left." I told him

"Mia I'm so sorry- I" Zach said

"The thing is a couple years ago I found out he moved here. He has 4 daughters and no sons. I've lived here for years Zach and he hasn't even looked for me. I wanted a relationship with him I mean he's my dad I wanted him to be close but then I found out he had a family I couldn't do it" I looked at him

"Come here" he hugged me. "I'm sorry that happened to you"

I slowly pulled away from the hug and out noses touched.

"Um" I stuttered

Without thinking we both leaned in and kissed. Another magical kiss. Which was soon interrupted my a cry through the baby monitor.

"I'll go" Zach said getting up.

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