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"We have a schedule, if the photographer doesnt get here we're all coming back tomorrow" a man yelled

"Hopefully he gets here, its my daughters birthday tomorrow" the make artist said doing my eyeshadow

"I think he will" i told her.

"Im here sorry im late, there was all kinds of traffic" a young man ran through the door.

"Come on every body lets do this" another man yelled

I got off the chair and quickly walked to the setup.

"Ready?" The photographer asked

"Yeah" i answered

After a few poses we took a break and ate lunch. During that time i answered a few texts from zach, my mom and the group chat with all of us in it.

"Okay come on people lets keep going. We're all the gonna be here tomorrow at the same time. And no one will be late" 

" i hope you didnt have any plans tomorrow" the photographer said

"I dont" i answered

"Im tyler by the way"

"Mia" i smiled and went back to position

"So mia theres a party tomorrow night, you think you can make it?" Tyler asked

"Probably not, im here visiting my mom" i said

"Oh well heres my number let me know if you can ill send you the address." He left.

"Hey" i opened the door.

"Hi how was it tell me all about it" amy ran into the living room

"Ill tell you tomorrow its late go to bed." I answered

"Fine but you have to tell me"

"I will i promise now go to bed." I said again

"Tell me all about it." My mom walked in.

"Its like every other one mom. Its busy and slow but i love it. Its what I've always wanted to do. And i never thought i could." I answered

"Im so happy for you, i love you" she said

"I love you too, im gonna go bed." I said

"Call zach he told me to tell you"

"I will." I smiled.

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