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"They're so beautiful" I heard

"They both look like Mia, of course they're beautiful" a different voice said

"They're starting to get fussing" I opened my eyes

"I was hoping Mia would be the first to hold them"

"She might" myta turned her head at me

"Hey how are you feeling" Zach walked over to me and helped me sit up.

"I'm fine" I smiled looking up at him

Although he wasn't there for all the contractions, he was there during the birth and he was amazing, and so supporting.

"They're awake" Daniel smiled

"Let me see them" I said

After birth they took the girls to clean them and run some tests since they're a month early, I didn't even get to hold them.

"You sure you're ok" Zach asked as everyone walked to my bed because Daniel pushed the cribs next to me

"Zach I'm fine, I just want to see my girls" I reassured "oh" I said as tears starting forming in my eyes. "They're perfect" I said as Zach wiped a tear off my cheek

"Here" he handed one to me and he held one

"We'll be back" I heard jonah say as I stared at the girls

"They have you're eyes" I said as one wrapped her fingers around mine.

"That's it they only have my eyes"I looked up, "on the other hand, they have your hair, your face shape, your nose"he looked at me, "your lips" He said looking at mine


he began to lean in

He stayed silent, I gave in into the feelings and the need to feel his lips on mine. When our lips finally touched, all the feelings I pushed down came rising up. It was like our first kiss at the airport.  And that's when I knew I was still in love this boy.

We soon pulled away and stared Into each others eyes.

"So baby names" he smiled

"Baby names" I laughed

"Mia" Daniel opened the door, "its your mom" he said handing me my phone

"Hey mom" I said

"Mia, how are you are the babies ok" she asked

"We're fine mom, when are you getting here"

"There are no flights for today, I'd be getting there tomorrow" she answered, "I'm so sorry I wish I could get there sooner"

"It's fine, I think we'll be out of here by tomorrow"

"Ok then I'll leave you so you can get some rest, I love you and I am so proud of both you and Zach" she said

"Love you too mom" I smiled


"She won't get here til tomorrow" Zach questioned

I nodded my head as I watched the girls slowly fall back asleep.

"You wanna switch?" Zach asked

"Yeah" I laughed

"What about Ruth" Zach said as we switched

"Ruth" I repeated


I don't think so" I laughed, "um, Rachel" I suggested

"No" he laughed

"This is gonna be hard" I said

"What about genesis and Kylie" he said

"I don't know, it just doesn't feel right"I answered

"It's ok we have time" he smiled

"It all seems so surreal"

"What do you mean"

"I mean we're parents, me and you parents, and to twins" I laughed. "We're holding our daughters" i smiled

"Our daughters" he smiled

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