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So today I am 4 months pregnant and everything is going great. I've had three appointments, the doctor says everything is fine and the baby is growing every day. today I have my fourth appointment, which means we might find out the gender.

Today Christina and May will be going with me, they are obsessed with the idea of throwing a gender reveal party, which I truly don't think is necessary, considering we haven't told everyone expect our family.

Zach is stuck all day at the studio, making this the first appointment he misses.

"you ready" Christina asked walking in

"yeah, just let me grab my bag" I answered

"woah, Mia you've gotten big, like big big" May stared at my stomach

"its normal...right?" I asked

Of course it is, don't worry her may its bad for the baby" Christina answered

"More like babies" May whispered

"May" Christina warned.

"Good afternoon ladies" the doctor came in the room

"Good afternoon" we all answered

"So how is our mother to be"

"I'm great,, but I do have a question" I answered

"ok ask anything you'd like" she replied

"um, is- is it normal for my stomach to be this big, I mean I'm only four months, shouldn't it be smaller, or..."

"well everyone has a different belly during pregnancy, and I'm sure nothing is wrong, but just to clear your mind, we can start on the ultrasound" she answered

"Thank you"

"now everything looks fine, although, wait.." she stopped

"What is anything wrong, is the baby fine?" I started to panic

"Yes everything is fine, and the babies are fine"

"babies?" May questioned

"Yes babies, you're having twins" she said looking straight at me

"twins" I repeated

"Can you see the genders?" Christina asked

"Yes they are-"

"Actually could just put it in an envelope"

"yes of course"

"Ok now ill leave you girls and here are the genders" she said handing Christina the envelope "you girls have a good day"

"Twins" I said shocked

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