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" I can't believe you broke up with him" May said

"Yeah mia I thought you loved him, I mean you had to through so much just to be with him, does that not mean anything to you a now?" Christina asked

"Yes, of course it does, it all matters to me and it means so much. But I cant do it, and that doesn't mean I don't love him anymore. Ok I've never loved anyone the way I love him. But it's over." I explained

"You don't even look hurt, you look fine. Zach hasn't came out of his room this whole week. Mia he's broken. You say you still love but it sure doesn't seem like it" may said walking out of my house.

"She's mad, because my relationship is over, she has nothing to do with it" I said sitting next to Christina.

"She'll get over, but Mia why did you break up him. I mean you guys were together for almost 5 years and you're pregnant. You guys were the perfect couple. You were his world. There's just no other guy for you" she replied

" Christina-" I started

"That night, you were telling me he did something, but you didn't finish. What could he have possibly done for you not want be with him, you guys are meant to be" she cut in

"nothing he didn't do anything. And if we're meant to be like you say we are well always find our way back. But if I'm being honest, I don't see it anymore, I don't see a future where Zach and I are together." I explained

" well you know you can count on me in anything" she getting up

"You're leaving?" I asked

"Yeah, I'm gonna go talk to May see if I can calm her down" she smiled before leaving

It's been a week since Zach and I broke up. I haven't talked to him, he's called and texted, but I need some space right now. I have to figure things out. I have been looking for other houses on sale. I just feel like I can't be in here anymore.

I sat on the couch and looked out the window as I felt tears running down my cheek. Can I do this all on my own? Did I do the right thing breaking up with Zach? Can I really raise 2 baby girls?

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