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I'm now 6 months and honestly I don't know I could get any bigger. I moved houses, I now live in a nice neighborhood. And the house has three bedrooms which it perfect for me. it's been almost a month since Zach and I broke up, he texts me every once in a while to see how the babies are. But that's all.

I finished getting ready and my phone rang.

Im here

I grabbed my things and went outside.

"So where are we going? " she asked

"To an adoption center" I answered getting in her car

"Why on earth would you to an adoption center, don't tell me you're going to put the babies up for adoption" she looked at shocked

"What. No, of course not." I replied

"Thank god, then why are we going?" She asked

"Because I'm scared Cristina. Like really scared. I don't know if I can do this alone."

"But you won't be we already told you you can count on us"

"I know I can and I am so grateful, but they're my daughters and you guys won't be around every single day, it's just gonna be us three every night and every morning. So I want to interact with kids and babies. Cause this whole becoming a mother thing is terrifying." I explained

"Ok then, but you should stop worrying, you're gonna be an amazing mother" she smiled, "are we picking up May?"

"May is still mad at me for breaking up with Zach"

"I'm sure she come around" she said leaving the driveway.

"Hi, I'm Mia evans, I volunteered" I said reaching the front desk

"Welcome, and you are?" The lady asked christina

"Christina, I'm with her" Christina answered

"Ok then right this way" she began walking

"So the kids just come in here and play or read, it's where they are most of the day." She said as we walked into a room filled with kids.

"Where's the restroom?" Christina asked

"I'll take you" she answered

"Before you go, um, do you guys have babies, you see I'm pregnant, and I um I wanna see kids of all ages" I explained

"Of course, I'll be back" she smiled walking off with Christina

I stood at the door and looked at all the kids. I turned my head and saw a small little girl sitting on a couch all by herself.

"Hi" I smiled sitting down next to her

"Hi" she said quietly

"I'm Mia, um whats your name"

"Sofia" she smiled

"That's a really pretty name"

"Thank you, um are you pregnant" she asked

"Yeah, with twins" I laughed

"Really?" She asked getting excited

"Yes, 6 months"

"Are you having girls?"

"How'd you know?"

"Just a guess, i really like babies, I go almost day to the room where they keep them" she explained

"I like babies too, but I'm a little scared to have my own, that's why I'm here, I wanna know if I raise them by myself."

"You're not married"

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