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its been 4 years. So ill catch you up. Im now 21 and yes zach and i are still together. Christina and corbyn got married last year and have their own house. May moved in with jack at the why dont we house. They dont want to get married just yet because they researched and found out a lot of marriages at their age end in divorce. So i have the whole house to myself, although zach stays over a lot.

"Good morning" zach said coming in my room.

"Morning" i smiled as he kissed my cheek.

"Come on" he said walking out the door.

I got out of bed and quikly brushed my teeth.

"Tada" zach said.

The table had 2 plates with egg, bacon, sausage, and waffles.

"You did all this?" I asked

"Yeah, when i stay the night you always make breakfast, i thought this time i would." He wrapped his arms around my waist.

"What did i do to deserve this?" I smiled.

"I just love you so much" he answered.

"And i love you" i stated standing on my toes and giving him a kiss.

"Now hurry up and eat you have a plane to catch in 2 hours." He said pulling away.

"I dont wanna go without you"i whined sitting down.

"You have to, you havent seen your mom in almost 6 months, youve been avoiding this trip because i can't go with you and i wish i could but im gonna be at the studio all week." he explained

"Youre right, im gonna go get ready." I told him.

"No, not yet you're gonna eat." He said.

"Im not hungry, and im sure my mom will have made something when i land."

"Mia i know you, ok, i know you havent eaten for the past 3 days, and i didnt want to say anything because i didnt want to upset you but this is too far. I know youre gonna text your mom and tell her youre really tired and as soon as the plan lands youll just want to sleep so she wont make any food for you. So now you are going to sit down and enjoy this meal with me and the meal your mom will make when you get there."

"Zach im really not hun-" before i could finish he attached his lips to mine. I felt the sparks as if it were the first time we kissed.

"Mia i need you to do this, please, for me." He rested his forehead on mine.

"I hate it when you that" i laughed.

"Lies" he said giving me a peck. "Now eat"

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