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"hi baby" i picked up nathaly from her bassinet as she woke up. nova was still sound asleep.

i left the boys to continue working on the song while i came to the living to make sure the girls were still asleep. and to my surprise nathaly was starting to get fussy.

i smiled as she yawned, i began to rock her hoping she'll slowly fall back asleep.

"me siento grande por ti
y aunque lo intentara no podría sin ti
toda mi felicidad es gracias a ti
y si yo me muero volvería por ti
vamos enseñarle al mundo lo que es amor
tú y yo podemos juntos
y así me encanta presumirte ante la gente" i quietly sang to her as slowly caressed her cheek.

it was something i started writing when i found out i was pregnant but i was never able to finish for some reason. but now it was sort of a lullaby for the girls they're both so used to hearing it that they always fall asleep when i sing it.

"hey" zach walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist as he placed his lips on the top of my head

i turned to rest my head on his shoulder. God i missed this, i missed him. there are still times where my thoughts take over and i remember everything that happened and i hate the fact that i'm not completely over it. sometimes i would distant myself, zach would always notice and he gave me my space, i think i may be over him cheating, what still hurts is the fact that he hasn't said anything to me about it.

"what were you singing?" he finally broke the silence

"it's nothing" i said as i place nathaly back in her bassinet.

"oh come on it sound great and from the little bit of words i was able to understand the lyrics are amazing" he replied

"it's just something i was never able to finish writing, but i sing the little bit i have to the girls, i always have even throughout the pregnancy and now it's sort of their lullaby. i sing it to them every time they're sleepy and they always fall asleep" i answered

"can you translate all of it for me" he looked into my eyes

"um, well it's um basically about unconditional love and how matter what happens i'll always be there because my happiness is because of them. that we could do anything together and how i love to show everyone my love for them" i answered looking down at the girls.

"how come you never finished it?"

"i don't know the lyrics never came to me and i was left with that small part."

"well i think you should try writing it"

i finally looked up at him

"i don't know, it's kind of something between me and the girls"

"ok well whatever you think is best, but imagine all the people who relate to your lyrics, people could dedicate that sing to they're kids, parents or significant others" he wrapped his arm around my shoulders

"maybe i don't know"  i confessed

"it's up to you" he smiled

"well um now that nathaly fell back asleep we should go back to the guys and finish that-" he cut me off before i could finish

"mia" he put his arms around my waist

"zach" i looked up at him

"i love you" he whispered

it was the first time i heard him since we got back together. the first time he said it without any interruptions.

"i understand if you're not ready to say it back i just wanted you to know that i do, i love you"

"i love you too" i answered before i let my doubts take over

he smiled and placed a strand of hair behind my ear. he rested both of his hands on the sides of my neck and i slowly wrapped my arms around his waist.

"you have no idea how long i have gone with wanting to hear that" he laughed
"i love you" he said again

"and i love you" i smiled

he slowly began to lean in and i closed my eyes waiting for our lips to touch.

"hey mia you need to come back in here i'm pretty sure corbyn is ruining the song" daniel called out

i quickly opened my eyes to find zach throwing his head back in frustration

"i am not" i heard corbyn answer

i laughed as i began to pull away

"nope not yet" i heard zach say before he quickly pulled me back in and pressed his lips on mine.

i smiled into the kiss as i remembered all the fireworks i felt every time we kissed. he slowly began to pull away

" why are you smiling" he questioned

"i just missed this, i missed you, us" i answered

"me too" he said as he placed another quick kiss on my lips

" but we should really get going before they end up killing each other in there" he laughed before dragging me back to the room,

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