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Outside my house everyone's car was parked. I looked around and finally saw my moms.

"You ready" Zach asked

"Of course" I got out of the car.

We opened the door and there was a big banner saying welcome home babies and pink colored balloon everywhere.

"So what did the doctors say?" Josh asked

"They're perfect, they passed every test" Zach answered

"I wanna see" I heard my mom rush to the front of the group. "They're gorgeous, what did you guys name them?" She asked

I looked up at Zach and he smiled.

"Everyone officially meet Nova Elle and Nathaly Elora Herron." I smiled

"Aww" everyone said as my mom held both of them

"How long are you staying" I asked her

"Not long, I only got three days off of work" she answered not taking her eyes off of the girls

"Oh I thought you'd be staying longer"

"I'll be back soon, I'm a grandma now, I might just move out here" she laughed.

"You should" Zach joined in

"What" she asked

"You should come live out here, I mean it's like you said you're a grandma now" he laughed

"Oh my God yes, think about it you won't have to fly out here anymore, and you can bring Amy, I'm sure Noah won't stay behind either." I said excitedly

"I can't" she said. " my whole life is in Texas, but I'll come visit and you'd better go too"

At around 7:30 everyone left including my mom, we insisted on her staying here but she already had a hotel booked. Zach is gonna be staying here for a while to help me out with everything.

"I'm so tired" I laughed laying on of the girls in their cribs.

"Me too" Zach said as the doorbell rang.

I grabbed a baby monitor and walked down the stairs opening the door.

I stood there In shock, not saying a word.

"Mia who is it"Zach asked from the top of the stairs

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