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"hey meg" i answered my phone

"hey mia, i wanted to talk to you about your upcoming tour" my manager meg said.

"meg i-" i started

"look, we need to find someone to open for you and you look over the dates i sent you i need you to approve the list as soon as possible to start promoting the tour, i also need you to choose a tour bus, so we can that ready aswell." she went on.

"meg i need to cancel the tour" i said

"what why, mia we have almost everything ready, your fans are excited."

"i just need to take a break for a while."

"mia i need to know why your taking a break, we need to talk to the record company and see whta they say, but before they can agree they need a reason." she explained.

"im pregnant and zach and i wanted to keep it a secret from the world until we were ready, and i just want to take a break from everything and enjoy the pregnancy."

"youre pregnant?" she asked

"yeah" i answered.

"Congratulations, ill let the everyone know your taking break until further notice"

"thank you meg so much for understanding"

"of course let me know if you need anything."

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