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I opened the house door for Zach since he was carrying the car seats. He placed them in the living room as I put my bag on the couch.

"Look mia, I am so sorry for the way I acted" he said coming closer. "I've never wanted more than anything for us to be together, to have a family. I don't know what I was saying or doing that night. And I wish I could take it all back. It was a mistake to drink and to accuse you of cheating. You're person I want to spend the rest of my life you. Because you and these babies are my everything." He held my hand. "I was drunk and didn't mean any of it. Please forgive me" he placed his hand on my cheek and pressed his lips against mine.

He didn't say anything about what happened when I left that night. I placed my hand on his arm and pulled away.

"Is that all you have to say?" I asked


"Zach I forgive you, okay. I- um, I forgive for getting drunk, I forgive you for yelling. And I forgive you for making me choose-" I began

"Does that mean we're still together?" He asked

"I didn't finish. I forgive you for everything I just said. But I, I can't be with you anymore" I said my voice breaking a little at the end

"Mia, I'm so sorry. But we have to be together. I'd probably go crazy if we weren't. I love you, do you not love me anymore" he replied with tears running down his face

"I do, ok, I love you so much, more than you know. You were my epic and greatest love. Okay, Zach ive never been a real relationship until I met you. I didn't know what love was until you. And these past years have been amazing. But I can't do this. It's over"

"Mia please" he tried grabbing my hand

"You should go" I pulled away


"Please just go" I cried going to open the door.

He walked outside and stared at me

"Go" I repeated

He left as I close the door. I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. With tears running down my face I placed my hands on my stomach.

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