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"Hey" a voice wrapped their arms around my waist and place their head on my shoulder.

"Hey"i turned around to see zach.

He pressed his lips against mine.

"I missed you" he pulled away

"I missed you too" i smiled

"We are invited to a pool party"

"We are?" I asked.

"Yeah, daniels idea" he laughed and grabbed my bag. "So lets go get ready" he held my hand.

"So how was the trip?" Zach asked as i opened the house door.

"It was good"

"And the party"

"I wasn't there long about 10 minutes" i answered

"Why" he asked

"Tyler was drunk tried taking me upstairs and tried kissing me so i left."

"He tried kissing you?" Zach repeated

"Yeah..." I answered

"Why didnt you tell me, i wouldve-" he began

"zach, i have to tell you something." I began playing with my fingers.

"Ok, tell me" he said worried.

"Well you see-, i-, um-" i start

"Mia you can tell me" he held my hands.

"How about i show you?" I ask

"Yeah, what ever is easier for you" he answered.

I reached into my bag and looked up at him.

"Look, i um, I, i understand if you dont want this because its gonna be hard, so um you dont have to stay ok, if you want to leave its better if you leave now than later on" i explained

"What do you mean leave, mia please just tell me or show me cause i dont understand." He answered

I took my hand out and showed him a test. I placed it on his hand as he just stared at it.

"Zach, are you ok"

"Is this a prank?" He asked


"Is this fake".

"Zach, look" i took out the other 6 tests

"Youre actually pregnant?" He asked

"Im actually pregnant" i confirmed.

He looked in my eyes and smiled. He grabbed my waist, picked me up and spun us around in circles.

"Youre pregnant" he said as he cupped my cheeks and kissed me.

"Youre ok with this?" I asked

"Of course i am, mia ive dreamed about this day, why wouldnt i be?" Zach answered

"I dont know, i just figured we're both so busy, and we had plans to have kids but in the future, when we've moved together, a couple years after marriage, i thought youd think it was too soon. Or that you had changed your mind and you wouldnt want anything to do me and youd leave." I answered honestly

"Mia, i dont care about the time, i dont need to be married to you to have kids, we were gonna start a family sooner or later, we got the chance to start it now, im staying by your side through all of it, youre not getting rid of me that easy." He smiled

"You sure?" I asked again

"Yes, now come on we have to tell my parents, the guys, the girls, their family. We're gonna be parents." He laughed

"Wait zach im ok with telling everyone we know, i just dont want to tell the whole world. I got so much hate when we started dating, i wanna keep this private for as long as i can, i want to enjoy this and not worry about what others think." I explained

"I want to do the same thing, now hurry up so we tell my parents before going with the guys and girls." He rushed

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