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"May you look beautiful" I walked in the door

"Thank you, God im so nervous" she laughed

Today is officially the day, May and jack are getting married.

"It'll all go away when you see jack, I promise" Christina smiled fixing her dress

I know what you guys are wondering, and no nothing happened between Zach and I. After the last time he tried to kiss me I put a stop to it. I mean we still shared a couple of moments, but I wouldn't let them go too far to the point where he would kiss me or try to. I don't know if I'm ready to be with him again.

"Whose watching the girls" May asked

"I just left them with Zach and for the ceremony myta said she would" I answered

"You girls ready?" Mays mom asked

"Yeah I think we are" Christina answered

"It's time"

We walked out of the room and May ran to hug her father

"You look gorgeous" he said, his voice breaking

I couldn't help but stare at them

"Hey, you okay" Zach asked breaking me from my trance

"Yeah I'm fine, you ready?"

"Always" he held his arm out.

We linked arms and waited for our turn to walk out.

"You May now kiss the bride" the priest said as jack and May shared a passionate kiss while everyone else cheered.

We all walked out and made way to the backyard where the reception was being held.

"Thank you so much for watching them" I smiled at myta

"Of course honey, anytime"

"Hey you guys enjoying the party" May walked over

"Of course, what about you mrs Avery?" Zach smiled

"I'm having the time of my life" she answered

"I'm really happy for May, you deserve this and so much more" I said

"Thank you" she replied as a slow song began to play. "Now if you excuse me, I'm going to go find mr Avery for a dance"

I laughed and turned my head to Reese who was holding nova. "Do you need help" I asked

"No thanks" she smiled

Zachs family been helping us with everything, they try to come by the house about 3 times a week.

Zach stood up from the table and everyone stared wondering where he was going

"May I have this dance Evans"

"Evans"I laughed

"Yeah evans, I mean You don't want to be a herron" he smirked

I looked down trying to hide my red cheeks

"Come on Mia, one dance"

"I don't think so, I'm gonna stay with the girls"

"Go ahead Herron, I mean evans, we'll watch them" Ryan teased

Zach held his hand out. I slowly lifted my hand but quickly brought it down.

"Come on, just one" Zach begged

"Fine" I placed my hand on his.

He led me to the dance floor where he put a hand on my waist and the other remained on mine. I placed my free arm around his neck and looked the other way.

"Mia I was hoping we could talk" he began

"Zach I-"

"Wait Can you just listen"

I stayed quiet avoiding eye contact.

"We've been sharing all of these moments together, moments where it's just you me and the girls.
We're a family. Mia I kissed you the day the girls were born, twice. And we decided to talk about later it's been two months. I think it's time" we met eyes.
"Look I'm so sorry for everything, you have no idea how sorry I am. But I wanna be with you. I really want to be with you. Because I love you, I never stopped and I don't think I will. Can we please try and be together again, I swear I won't mess it up again. Just give me one more chance so we can the perfect family."

"Are you done" I asked

He nodded

"If we do get back together, we can't mess it up"

"Is that a yes" he smirked

"Zach im serious, ok it's not just us two now, we have daughters to think about and we have to put them above anything. If this doesn't work out this time, then it'll be the last time we try. We can't have our kids seeing how we break up and get back together every couple of months" i explained

"I know, we won't mess it ok I believe in us"

"Ok then"

"Is that a yes?" He asked again

"It's a yes" I wrapped both of my arms around his neck

"Wait are you serious" he hesitated

I pulled him closer and let our lips touch

"I'm serious" I smiled pulling away.

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