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in three days we finally know the genders and when everyone else knows I'm having twins. this has been the hardest secret to keep from everyone, and it's made me become distant with Zach but I'm glad that it all ends soon.

I am currently with the girls asking about how everything is going to happenand making sure they have an actual plan.

"Mia, don't worry we have everything under control." Christina smiled

"I'm just making sure."

" relax just trust us its gonna be everything you've ever imaged" May reassured.

"Fine ill see you guys tomorrow" I gave in

"Bye" May walked me to my car door

The gender reveal will at the why don't we household, but I'm pretty sure its in the backyard. they haven't really told me anything but I'm sure its gonna be like a little barbecue, and its going to be very small, or it should be considering I have told them multiple times I don't want anything big and because of the fact only mine and Sachs family know as well as the boys and girls family.

I opened the house door, and the smell of alcohol quickly went up my nose.

"Zach" I called out

"in here" I heard

I walked upstairs into my room and found Zach looking at a picture of us.

"What are you doing" I asked

"Are you cheating on me" he asked

"Zach I'm pregnant with your baby, why would you even thi-" I started

"ARE YOU CHEATING ONE ME" he yelled causing me to jump back a little. "j-ju-just answer the question Mia" he said softly noticing I got scared.

"no, I'm not cheating on you, I would never do something like that, why would even think that" I got closer to him.

"you've just been so distant and I just missed you and I guess I just thought you found some one else" he whispered and I could smell the alcohol in his breath

"Zach I would never do that, i would never cheat on you, I've just been busy with the baby and the gender reveal, I've been helping the girls with everything, OK, look, your one of the people i love most in the world" i smiled caressing his cheek

"One of the people" he replied

"Yeah you're one them"

"I'm supposed to be the one, the one you love most in the world" he pushed my hand away

"Zach, this baby and you are the most important people to me, the ones I love the most" i stepped closer as he walked back.

"Choose" he said


"CHOOSE" he yelled

"Zach i-"


"You're drunk" I replied

" DAMN IT MIA, ME OR THE BABY" he continued

"THE BABY" I blurted out. " the baby" I repeated softly." i don't love anyone more than this baby, ok, when those tests came out positive everything changed, this baby became my everything" i finished walking out and going to my car

i drove around the neighbor hood for hours clearing my head, and thinking about what zach said. i decided to go back home at 3:30 am

i slowly opened the door and went upstairs

I walked into my room and my head started spinning.

Zach was lying in my bed fast asleep with a naked women next to him.

i quickly ran back into my car with tears rushing down my face. i picked up my phone and called Christina

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