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"ok listen to this" i began playing the piano

we have been working on the album for 2 weeks nonstop now and let's just say we haven't been doing so well. we've mostly been working at my house so i could still be close to the girls and honestly it's just way easier here than it would be in the studio.

"i like it" daniel smiled

"but it's missing something" corbyn shrugged

"yeah lyrics" zach said sarcastically

"ok so what about" jack began writing in his notebook. "your past and mine are parallel lines"

"i-" jonah thought. "i like it" he finished

" ok start writing" i said as i began playing once again.

"your past and mine are parallel lines.
stars all aligned and they intertwined" i sang giving them a questioning look and jack motioned his head for me to continue

"the way you call me baby treat me like a lady.
all that i can say is
all of the girls you loved before
made you the one im falling for" i stoped singing to look at them

"that's amazing" zach kissed my cheek

"are you sure?" i asked

"yes mia keep going" daniel urged

"ok um, give me second" i grabbed a piece of notebook paper and began writing

"ok" i put my pen down after a while.

"when you think of all the late nights
lame fights over the phone
wake up in the morning feeling alone
a heart is drawn around your name in someone's handwriting but not mine
you're sneaking out into town 
and holding hands
just wasting time
you're past and mine are parallel lines
stars all aligned they intertwined
and taught you the way you call me baby treat me like a lady
all that i say is
all of the girls you've loved before
made you the one ive fallen for
now you're all i need and i'm so thankful for all of the girls you've loved before
but i love you more" i finished

"you know i think we finally have one song" jonah laughed

"ok well you guys keep working on it i'm gonna go check on the girls really quickly" i got up

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