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"What" I heard someone say in shock

"My water broke" I repeated calmly

"Mia" jack said walking towards me

"Yeah" I said looking down

"Hey You uh you ok" he said walking closer

"Oh god, my- my water- my water broke, ok my water just broke, I'm not due yet  , I still need six weeks, my due date is in six weeks, I can't do it, not yet I'm not ready"I said realizing what just happened and looking at Zach

"Ok it's ok" Zach said as he guided me to sit back down. "It's ok" he repeated "remember that we have to be prepared for anything, it's ok, it's time"

"This is happening" I looked at him "it's really happening"

"Yeah" he smiled.

"We have to go to the hospital" Christina said

"Right, ok um, we need the hospital bag, um- um keys and phones ok, jonah go turn on y'all's cars, Corbyn and jack get the car seats from the nursery, Christina and may get your stuff ready and in the car, and Daniel call everyone and tell them it's time, we'll meet you guys in the hospital" Zach explained quickly.

Everyone ran to do their assigned tasks while Zach helped me up and grabbed my bag and phone

"Come on" he said holding my arm

"Woah" I stopped and sat back down

"What what's wrong?"

"I think I'm having contractions" I answered

"It's ok, you're ok" he reassured

"Ok I'm ready" I got up

"Let's go"He smiled

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