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"Is your mom here" I asked Zach

"I'm not sure let me go check" he answered

We've been in the hospital for 4 hours now And I'm currently 4 centimeters dilated. The doctor says that from the looks of it the girls won't be born til tomorrow. My mom started looking for a plane ticket and should get here tomorrow as well.

"Hey Mia"Myta opened the door.

"Hey" i smiled

"How are you feeling" she asked

"So far so good"

"And the contractions?"

"They're painful" I laughed "but it's just the beginning"

"You're not getting the epidural"

"No i don't think so" I answered

"I keep telling her she should" Zach cut in

"Zach it's mias choice"

"I know but-"He started

"Zach" she cut in

"I'm not getting the epidural, I told you this last week" I said

"I know but you should at least think about"

"Zach i said no, you shouldn't even worry you won't feel anything"

"I just don't want to see the love of my life in pain" he said walking out

"Give him time, you should rest" Myta smiled

"Do you think I'm doing the right thing, I mean I know he's your son so you'll take his side but everyone wants us to get back together may even dared me to kiss him or Daniel, i mean I love him but he hurt me, and I think I forgave him but just can't forget it that night, it's like it's on replay in my mind, And I do love him I really do but I just, I feel like I need some one to tell what to do"

"Mia yes he's my son, but I'm not taking his side, making you choose was wrong, all I know is that he loves you more than anything, now I can't tell you what to do, but what I can tell you is that either way if you guys are in this together no matter what. You guys are family and family stays together. Listen to your heart, do you wanna be with him or not, all I can tell you right now is to rest, like you said it's only the beginning" she smiled holding my hand

"Thank you"

"Knock knock" Christina smiled at the door

"Hey guys" I said seeing them all except May

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" myta said leaving

"Si we figured you were hungry considering you didn't eat pizza and we asked the doctors what you could eat and well they said ice chips so that's what we bought" Daniel said handing me a cup

"Thank you guys, where's May" I asked

"She's in the cafeteria, she uh thinks you're mad"

"Why would I be mad all she did was dare me to either kiss one of best friends or my ex slash father of my daughters" I laughed

"Why you're not mad" jack said

"I mean I was, but I just finished talking to myta and I think I'm fine now" I smiled

"You sure" jonah asked

"Yeah i mean other than the contractions I'd say I'm pretty good" I laughed

"So no epidural for the love of zachs life" Christina teased

"You guys heard" I laughed

"We were kinda waiting so we could come in" Corbyn said

"So love of his life huh?" Jack asked

"Shut up" I laughed

"Look we know it's not out place and we shouldn't interfere, but what are you gonna do?" Daniel asked

"What do you mean"

"You guys have been having all these moments and we all know you guys still love each other, at least Zach does, he never stopped, and he would get back together with you in a heart beat, the question is would you" he explained

"I-" started an closed my eyes "give me a second" I but my lip

"You okay" jack asked

"Yeah, just another contraction" I answered

"We should go and let you rest" Christina suggested

"We'll come back later" jonah smiled

"Thank you for ice chips"

"Anytime" Daniel smiled as he was the last one in the room

"Daniel" I said before he left


"The answer to your question, um, I don't know, I mean I want to but I don't know if I can" I answered his question

"Get some rest mia" he smiled

After that I stayed alone for a couple of hours and the contractions only got worse. At around 5 am the doctor was coming

"WHERE THE HELL IS ZACH?" I asked as a doctor came in

"I think he's still in the cafeteria"Christina answered as she held my hand.

"Ok it's time to have these babies, let me go make sure you're room is ready and we'll come get you" the doctor said walking out

"Oh god I'm in pain here and he's in the cafeteria , I swear to god if he doesn't get here soon I will-" I started

"I'm here" Zach cut me off "I'm here" I glared at him

"I texted him" Corbyn whispered

"Ok it's time" a nurse said she she walked

""We'll be right here waiting for you guys" myta smiled as Nurses led Zach and I to another room

"Ready"Zach asked

"Yeah I, I think so" we make eye contact as I bit my lil from the pain of the contractions"we're in this together right ?" I asked

"Always" he held my hand

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