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I got out of the car and looked around the house. I was pretty big, filled with a bunch of people. And i could smell the alcohol from here.

"Mia you made it" tyler said obviously drunk.

"Yeah i guess i changed my mind" u smiled

"Here have something to drink" he handed me cup

"Thanks but i dont drink" i gave him the cup back

"Come on lets go upstairs and have some real fun." He pulled my arm.

"Im fine here"

"Dont ruin the fun" he continued to pull.

"I think im gonna leave." I pulled my arm away.

"You just got here" he said grabbing a hold of my waist.

"Tyler let go" i said.

"Ive been wanting to do this since i first saw you" he got closer.

"Stop" i pushed him away

"Come on mia, i know you want to too" he continued.

"Im leaving" i said walking out of the house.

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