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Today is the gender reveal. I haven't spoken to Zach or even seen him. I've only told Christina and may what happened that night but I haven't told anyone that he cheated. if I do people are going to see him differently and I don't want that. this is between Zach and I. I returned back to my house and i also switched bedrooms. I couldn't stand being in the other one knowing what happened there.

anyways today I'm wearing a simple white dress, in which you can really see my belly in. in a couple minutes ill be leaving to the why don't we house, where the girls at setting everything up.

i sat on the bed putting my shoes on as my phone rang.

hey Mia I was hoping we could talk after the reveal

yeah id like that

I simply answered walking to my car.

i walked in the house and was greeted by Reese and she directed me to the backyard, where everything was beautifully decorated.

i walked in the house and was greeted by Reese and she directed me to the backyard, where everything was beautifully decorated

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everyone was either wearing pink or blue, which ever they thought the gender was

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everyone was either wearing pink or blue, which ever they thought the gender was.

"you guys this is amazing" i hugged Christina and may

"We have one more surprise" May giggled

"I think its a girl" i heard a voice behind me

"Mom" i turned around hugging her

"We figured you'd want to have her here with you" Christina smiled

"Thank you" i told both of them

"hey Mia" Zach's parents greeted

"hi guys, so both of you think its a girl" i smiled

"and I think its a boy" Ryan cut in

"You don't think you want a boy" myta corrected

"they made a bet in the car" Reese whispered as i laughed

"So Mia what do think you it is?" Daniel asked putting his arm around my shoulder

"I'm not playing this, as long as I have a healthy baby I fine with the gender" I smiled

"Well if you didn't notice I think its a girl" he replied leaving to the desert table.

I stood there alone watching everyone laugh and talk.

"hey" I heard beside

"Hi" I smiled turning to see Zach

"Listen I-" he started

"after" i simply said walking away.

after a couple hours everyone ate and were anxious to know already.

"ok time for the moment of truth" Christina called out.

"Mia, Zach" May called out

"ok, so, Zach is gonna hold the balloon and Mia will pop it"  Christina explained handing Zach a big balloon with a question mark and me a pin.

everyone soon gathered around taking their phones out

"its doesn't matter right?" Zach asked

"as long as we have a healthy baby" I smiled

"ok ready "May called out


i quickly popped the balloon and pick confetti came out.

everyone cheered and Zach came to hug me

"A girl" he chuckled.

"ok, ok every body settle down" May said

"So some of you obviously got it wrong so how about one more" Christina smiled as everyone looked at her confused

"Surprise" i smiled taking out an  ultrasound photo. "I'm having twins" I finished

Everyone laughed and cheered as they came to hug both me and Zach.

"Are you serious" Zach asked as Christina and may handed everyone a confetti stick.

"I am, that's why I was distant the girls thought it would be a cool surprise." I explained

"Ok so on the count of three everybody twist the bottom to the right" May explained

"One...Two...Three" Christina yelled

Bright pink confetti was flying everywhere. i turned to look at Zach and he dropped the stick and cupped my face. his quickly attached his lips to mine. i closed my eyes and let myself sink into the kiss, but i soon pictured him in my bed like the other night and pulled away.

"Sorry, I-" i cut him off giving him a hug trying to get rid of the image in my head.

"We're in this together right?" i asked

"Always" he answered

"Congrats you guys" the boys came

"thank you" Zach said as they hugged us

"so we have a present" josh came

"we didn't know you were having twins if not we would have gotten two" Myta added

"Its a car seat" Ryan said placing the box in front of us

"Well i also got a car seat" my mom placed another box in the ground

"thank you, its means the world to us "i hugged them.

"well i better get going" my mom smiled

"you're leaving?" i asked

"i have a plane to catch, i also work tomorrow" she explained

"call me when you land" i hugged her

"of course" she left

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