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"Good to know everyone arrived on time today." The same man from yesterday walked in as we were shooting.

"Everyone but you" tyler mumbled

"Hes gonna hear you" i mumbled back

"I doubt it" he smiled

"So how long are you here for?" Tyler asked during our lunch break.

"Just 2 more days, why" i asked

"I wanted to take you to dinner sometime" he answered

"Um tyler you seem nice and all-" i started

"But..." He added

"But i have a boyfriend back in la" i finished

"I had to try, so ill see you at the party?"

I covered my mouth starting to feel nauseous, something had upset my stomach and it smelled.

"Im sorry, whats in your sandwich?" I asked the lady next to me.

"Its tuna" she answered

I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom.

I sat on the bathroom floor for a couple of minutes making sure i was fine.

"You okay?" Someone asked as i opened the door.

"Yeah im fine, its nothing" i answered

"Well we're back on in 2 minutes and ill see later tonight, that's the address." Tyler said as he handed me a piece of paper.

"About that, im not going, sorry" i said handing him the paper back.

"Keep it, just in case you change your mind." He replied walking away.

"Hey" i answered my phone.

"Hey, where are you" Zach asked on the other line.

"Im about to walk in the house." I answered.

"Ok call back after youve eaten dinner," he said

"I will"

"Love you"

"Love you too, bye"

"You're right on time, i just finished cooking dinner" my mom said as i opened the door.

"Let me go change and ill be right back" i said entering the kitchen

"Hurry, we're having salmon." She said uncovering the pan

The smell quickly went up my nose and i covered my mouth. With the other hand holding my stomach i ran to the bathroom.

"You should go see a doctor" my mom came in a couple minutes later.

"Im fine mom, i just cant smell any fish today."

"this happened more than once?" She asked

"Yeah a lady was eating a tuna fish sandwhich and it made my stomach upset, but its no big deal" i answered.

"How is this not a big deal?" She asked

"Its not like im in pain or anything, for some reason fish just makes me nauseous." I answered

"I Can make you something else if youd like."

"Its fine mom im not even hungry" i answered

"Fine, ill make something else tomorrow." She said before leaving

I walked into my room and facetimed Zach.

"Hey, you ate pretty fast" he answered

"I didnt eat" i answered

"you said you would" he said

"I know, but my mom made fish and it just made me nauseous. And im not hungry either way. i swear ive eaten all week this is the first day i haven't" i explained

"Ok, are you going to the party?" He asked

"no" i answered

"Why not you said youd think about it" he asked

"I did think about it and i was going to, but he asked me out today so i said no." Ii answered

"I still think you should go" he said

"Youre supposed to tell me not to go, dince he asked me out." I laughed.

"Yeah but i trust you and you should go have fun." He smiled

"I dont know, everyone is gonna be drinking and i cant even stand the smell."

"Just go have fun." He said

Before i could answer my mom came in.

"The car is already on" she said handing me the keys.

"Why?" I asked

"So you could go to the party, hurry up and get ready, you're wasting gas." She walked out.

"How did she know about the party" i asked myself.

"I mightve told her" zach laughed.

"Its weird how you're like best friends with my mom" i replied

"You're best friends with my parents, i had to do the same." He continued laughing. "Now hurry up and get ready."

"I dont want to go" i complained

"To bad, i love you"

"I love you too" i said before he hung up.

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