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"They're coming" I heard as I opened the door.

I looked around trying to find any body.

"They might still be in the nursery" Christina suggested

"Maybe" I said walking up the stairs

"Hey Mia" Corbyn said at the top of the stairs

"How was the dress shopping" jonah asked

"It was great"May answered

"Did you guys find y'all dresses" Jack asked

"Yeah, can we go through?" I ask

"Right sorry" Jack replied

I walked past them only to find Daniel in front of the nursery door

"What's going on?" I asked

No one answered

" where's Zach" I questioned

"There" I heard from behind the door

I pushed Daniel out if the way and turned around to look at the guys

"Anything i should know before I open this door?" I asked

No one answered

"She's pregnant with twins yet she's still strong" Daniel whispered as i turned around

Before i can open the door it opens and my jaw drops.

"You like it?" Zach asked  as I walked in

"It's beautiful" I laughed

The room was paint a light shade of grey with ultrasound pictures framed around the room.the white cribs had light pink covers with a stuffed elephant on each. The cabinets were filled with little baby clothes. It was the nursery that every mother dreamed to have for their kids.

"Are you crying?" Corbyn asked

"Leave me alone I'm pregnant, ok I've been emotional for months" I laughed wiping a tear away

"We're just gonna leave you too alone" Jack said closing the door

"So you really like it?" Zach asked

"I love it, thank you so much" I hugged him

I closed my eyes as he wrapped his arms around my waist. I slowly began to pull away and we locked eyes. We stood there for what seemed like ages, my arms around his neck and his around my waist. He slowly began to lean in and a part of me wanted to pull away, I couldn't kiss him, he hurt me and I can't just run back to him, but the other wanted, no not wanted, it needed our lips to touch. Maybe I was wrong, maybe we can't be just friends.

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